

From Technological Foresight to Ecological Reshaping:The Symbiotic Evolution of Higher Education Transformation and Artificial Intelligence:Key Points and Insights from the 2024 Horizon Report(Teaching and Learning Edition)


美国高等教育信息化协会(EDUCAUSE)于 2024 年 5 月发布了《2024 地平线报告(教与学版)》.2024 年《报告》在对社会、技术、经济、环境和政治五个维度发展趋势的分析基础上,首次将人工智能技术作为主要趋势纳入宏观发展趋势部分.《报告》进一步分析了影响高等教育发展的六项关键技术与教学实践:探寻AI技术的适当用途、支持AI素养、促进公平与全纳学习、保护数据隐私与安全、甄别错误信息以及支持心理健康,并提出了应对技术发展的行动计划.《报告》还预测了未来高等教育发展的四种情景.鉴于人工智能技术的快速发展态势,《报告》对 2017-2024 年的《地平线报告》内容进行了文本分析,展现了人工智能技术在教育领域应用的探索、发展、融合、深化四个阶段,旨在为未来人工智能在高等教育领域的应用提供借鉴.

The EDUCAUSE,an American association for higher education information technology,released the 2024 Horizon Report:Teaching and Learning Edition in May 2024.Based on an analysis of macro trends across social,technological,economic,en-vironmental,and political categories,the report included artificial intelligence(AI)as honorary trends for the first time.The report fur-ther examined six key technologies and practices influencing the development of higher education,including finding appropriate uses for Al-enabled technology,supporting Al fluency,supporting equitable and inclusive learning,protecting data privacy and security,navigating misinformation,and supporting mental health.It also proposed action plans to address these technological developments.Additionally,the report predicted four future scenarios for the development of higher education.Considering the rapid development of AI technologies,the present study conducted a textual analysis of the Horizon Reports from 2017 to 2024,revealing four stages of ex-ploration,development,integration,and deepening of AI technology application in the education field,aiming to provide a reference for the future application of AI in higher education.


上海外国语大学上海全球治理与区域国别研究院(上海 201620)上海外国语大学国际教育学院||上海外国语大学多语种智慧教育重点实验室(上海 201620)上海外国语大学语言研究院(上海 201620)上海外国语大学国际教育学院||上海外国语大学教务处||上海外国语大学多语种智慧教育重点实验室(上海 201620)



Horizon ReportHigher EducationArtificial IntelligenceGenerative Artificial IntelligenceInclusive LearningTechnology Ethics

《远程教育杂志》 2024 (003)

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