

The Time Narrative in the Digitalization of Education:Structure Reengineering and Order Reshaping



Education digitalization is a new pattern of education development under the support of digital technology.The data running time brought by digital technology in the field of education,together with the original mechanical measurement time and edu-cational activity time in the field of education,promotes the three-dimensional time narrative structure of education digitalization,and reengineer the three-dimensional time narrative structure of rectilinear,the returned,and the mixed in education digitalization.And further derived the"continue+unit"type of textbook narrative discourse under the regulation of mechanical measurement time,the"repeat+fragment"type of script narrative discourse under the regulation of data running time,and the"integrity+module"type of hu-manistic narrative discourse under the time regulation of educational activities.The structure reengineering of the time structure of ed-ucation digitalization has triggered a series of chain effects,of which the time narrative structure and the time narrative discourse structure are only two steps.Through a series of reactions,the time narrative of education digitization is facing a new round of order shaping.that is,the time feeling order from a gap between the emptiness and reality to a fusion of emptiness and reality,the time thinking order from the self-consistency between the human thinking and technology thinking to the fusion of the human thinking and technology thinking,and the time present order from the discrete between hide and clear to the juxtapose of the hide and clear.


内蒙古师范大学教育学院(内蒙古呼和浩特 010022)西南大学教育学部(重庆 400715)



The Digitalization of EducationTime NarrativeThe Structure of TimeThe Narrative DiscourseThe Time Narrative Order

《远程教育杂志》 2024 (003)

59-67 / 9


