

Detection and Prevalence of Global Deer Chronic Wasting Disease


鹿慢性消耗性疾病是一种家养和野生鹿科动物朊病毒病,最早于1980年由美国报道.几十年来,该病在北美地区呈失控性传播和蔓延,已导致美国30个州和加拿大5个省暴发疫情.近期在欧洲也发现了鹿慢性消耗性疾病病例.截至2023年底,全球共有美国、加拿大、挪威、芬兰、瑞典、韩国等6个国家发现该病病例,但病例主要集中在北美的美国和加拿大以及北欧的挪威和芬兰.除韩国病例与北美病例存在关联外,其余 5 个国家的病例与北美病例并无相关性.总体来看,该病在全球的流行范围越来越广,但进程缓慢.大量鹿慢性消耗性疾病的发生,也带来了朊病毒的环境污染以及对其他同居动物和人类的潜在感染风险.我国虽未发现该病,但国内野生和家养鹿科动物存栏量超过百万,为保护其免受该病侵袭,应采取严格的进口检疫等措施,防范该病传入.本文对全球各国鹿慢性消耗性疾病的发现和流行现状进行了详细描述,期望给我国鹿慢性消耗性疾病防范带来启发.

Deer chronic wasting disease(CWD),as a prion disease affecting both domestic and wild deer animals,was firstly reported in the United States in 1980.For decades,the disease has spread uncontrollably in Northern America,leading to outbreaks in 30 states in the United States and 5 provinces in Canada.Cases has also been found recently in Europe.By the end of 2023,the disease was found in 6 countries including the United States,Canada,Norway,Finland,Sweden and Republic of Korea,but mainly in Northern America including the United States and Canada,as well as in Northern Europe inlcuding Norway and Finland.The cases found in Republic of Korea,rather than those in other countries,were related to those in Northern America.Overall,the disease was increasingly spreading in the world,but with slow pace.A large number of cases infected with CWD were found,causing potential risks of environmental contamination by prions and potential infection to other companion animals and human.The inventory of wild and domestic deers exceeded one million in China where the disease had not been detected,though.In order to protect animals from any infection,strict import quarantine and other measures should be taken to prevent any introduction of the disease.In the paper,global outbreak and prevalence of the disease were described in details,expecting to enlighten the prevention of the disease in China.


中国动物卫生与流行病学中心,山东青岛 266032



CWDprion diseaseglobalprevalence status

《中国动物检疫》 2024 (006)

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