

Species Identification of Ixodid Ticks on Sheep and Detection of Their Carryon Pathogens in Aksu,Xinjiang


为了解新疆阿克苏地区绵羊体表硬蜱种类及携带病原情况,从 5 个养殖场户的 168 只绵羊体表采集硬蜱,采用形态学及分子生物学方法进行蜱种鉴定,同时应用PCR方法对硬蜱中携带的泰勒虫、巴贝斯虫、无浆体及立克次体等进行检测并构建遗传进化树.结果显示:共采集硬蜱 630 只,其中 504 只为图兰扇头蜱,126 只为小亚璃眼蜱,2种硬蜱与GenBank上已发表的哈萨克斯坦序列MN853166、MN853167 相似性分别高达98.30%、99.00%;硬蜱的立克次体、泰勒虫、无浆体及巴贝斯虫携带率分别为 64.29%(405/630)、29.52%(186/630)、25.71%(162/630)、0(0/630);遗传进化树显示,泰勒虫与伊拉克株(MN712508)同源性最高(99.61%),位于同一分支上,立克次体与我国民丰县虫株(KU645284)同源性达 100%,无浆体与西班牙株(HQ014384)同源性最高(99.62%),位于同一分支上.结果说明:图兰扇头蜱为新疆阿克苏地区绵羊体表优势蜱种,存在携带传播立克次体、泰勒虫及无浆体的风险,建议加强硬蜱驱虫及蜱传疫病监测.

In order to identify the species of ixodid ticks on sheep and the pathogens carried by them in Aksu region,Xinjiang,ixodid ticks were collected from 168 sheep in 5 farms(households)for identification of species using morphological and molecular biological methods,meanwhile,Tayloria,Babesia,Anplasma and Rickettsia carried by the ticks were detected by PCR assay,and genetic evolution trees were constructed respectively.The results showed that 630 collected ticks included 504 Ixodes tularensis and 126 Ixodes microcarpus,and two species of ticks were respectively 98.30%and 99.00%similar to Kazakh sequences MN853166 and MN853167 published in GenBank;the carrying rates of Rickettsia,Tayloria,Anplasma and Babesia were 64.29%(405/630),29.52%(186/630),25.71%(162/630)and 0(0/630),respectively.The genetic evolution trees showed that Tayloria was the highest identical(99.61%)to the Iraqi strain(MN712508),both of which were located in the same branch;Rickettsia was 100%homologous with the Minfeng County strain(KU645284);Anplasma had the highest homology(99.62%)with the Spanish strain(HQ014384),both of which were located in the same branch.In conclusion,Ixodes tularensis was dominant on sheep in the region,with a risk of carrying and transmitting Rickettsia,Tayloria and Anplasma,against which,deworming of ixodid ticks and monitoring of tick-borne diseases should be strengthened.


新疆农业大学动物医学学院,新疆乌鲁木齐 830052



sheepixodes ticksprotozoal diseasephylogenetic analysis

《中国动物检疫》 2024 (006)

20-26 / 7


