

Service analysis about transformation of scientific and technological achievements in diagnosis of tuberculosis in vitro


明确的诊断对结核病的治疗和预防至关重要.早期准确诊断是结核病患者得以及时治疗的关键,提高诊断技术则是发现患者的核心.结核病体外诊断(InVitro diagnostic,IVD)行业市场广阔,临床需求旺盛.目前,结核病的IVD的基础研发不能很好的满足临床需求,诊断相关专利技术成果储备有限,技术攻关仍在继续;在用的诊断产品还有各种缺点,难以覆盖全部的临床需求.结核病领域体外诊断科技成果快速高效地转化应用到临床需要针对技术成果化、成果产品化、产品商业化整个流程提供全方位的服务,助力IVD产业快速发展,提升结核病的防控能力.

A definitive diagnosis is paramount for effective tuberculosis(TB)prevention and treatment.Early and accurate diagnosis is crucial for timely treatment of TB patients,while advancements in diagnostic technologies are essential for effectively identifying patients.The In Vitro diagnostic(IVD)products for TB boasts a vast market and strong clinical demand.However,current challenges persist.Basic research and development often fall short of meeting clinical needs,and the pool of diagnostic-related patent technical achievements remains limited.Ongoing technical breakthroughs are essential to address these gaps.Existing diagnostic products often lack the versatility to meet the full spectrum of clinical needs.To drive rapid growth in the TB IVD industry and bolster prevention and control efforts,comprehensive service offerings are required across the entire technology development lifecycle—from achievement to productization and commercialization.


北京市结核病胸部肿瘤研究所转化办公室,北京 101149首都医科大学附属北京胸科医院转化医学中心,北京 101149



TuberculosisDiagnostic techniques,respiratory systemTransformation of scientific and technological achievementService analysis

《中国防痨杂志》 2024 (007)

743-749 / 7

Funds for the Construction Project of Technology Transfer Institutions in 2022(20220481051) 2022年技术转移机构建设项目(20220481051)

