

Impact of the Cancellation of the Qualification for Recognition of Agricultural Leading Enterprises on Business Operations


发展农业产业化经营,是促进农业结构战略性调整,提高农业综合效益,实现农业现代化的有效措施.以农业龙头企业为研究对象,基于 2011-2021 年的面板数据,运用固定效应模型分析龙头企业认定资格取消和存续时间对龙头企业经营的影响.结果表明:龙头企业认定资格取消对龙头企业经营产生了不利影响;龙头企业存续时间增加对龙头企业经营产生了积极影响;认定资格取消与存续时间对龙头企业经营的影响存在地区和规模显著差异;研发创新水平和企业社会责任在认定资格取消影响龙头企业经营中具有调节效应.据此提出完善龙头企业认定标准、合理配置资等建议,以期实现龙头企业高质量发展,使其在名单中不断存续.

The development of agricultural industrialization is an effective measure to promote the strategic ad-justment of agricultural structure,improve the comprehensive benefits of agriculture,and achieve agrarian moderni-zation.The article takes leading agricultural enterprises as the research object,and based on the panel data from 2011 to 2021,the fixed effect model is used to analyzing the impact of the cancellation of the qualification of recog-nition of the leading enterprises and the duration of survival on the operation of the leading enterprises.The results indicate that the cancellation of the qualification for identifying leading enterprises has hurt their operations;the in-crease in the duration of the existence of leading enterprises has had a positive impact on their operations;there are significant regional and scale differences in the effect of disqualification and duration of existence on the operation of leading enterprises;research and development innovation and corporate social responsibility have a moderating effect on the impact of disqualification on the operation of leading enterprises.Based on this,suggestions are pro-posed to improve the standards for identifying leading enterprises and allocating resources reasonably to achieve high-quality development of leading enterprises and ensure their continuous existence on the list.


西南林业大学经济管理学院,云南 昆明 650233



agricultureleading enterprisebusiness operationoperating incomebusiness subject

《西南林业大学学报》 2024 (006)

21-28 / 8

