

Pathogenic Detection of Chlamydia psittaci in Zoos and Flower-bird Markets in China


为了解国内动物园与花鸟市场鸟群中鹦鹉热衣原体(Chlamydia psittaci,Cps)的流行现状,通过构建TaqMan荧光定量PCR方法,对江苏省和北京市 3 处采样点采集的 168 份禽鸟粪便样本进行了检测,并基于OmpA基因对阳性样本进行了基因序列分析.结果显示:在江苏省 1 处花鸟市场检出 31 份Cps阳性,个体阳性率为41.3%(31/75),在其他2处动物园采样点未检出阳性;阳性样品来自虎皮鹦鹉(23份)、牡丹鹦鹉(5份)、玄凤鹦鹉(2 份)和珍珠鸟(1 份).在阳性样本中,共扩增出 18 个OmpA基因片段,其中 16 份样本的基因序列相同,与另外 2 份阳性样本序列不在同一分支,但所有阳性样本均属于基因A型.结果表明,花鸟市场存在较高的Cps流行风险,感染源较为集中.结果提示,各地应着重加强花鸟市场Cps流行的防控,严格落实相关监管措施,加强检疫监管,从而降低Cps传播率并保障公共卫生安全.

In order to investigate the prevalence of Chlamydia psittaci(Cps)in bird flocks in some zoos and flower-bird markets in China,168 avian fecal samples collected from three sampling sites in Jiangsu Province and Beijing were detected using Taq Man fluorescence quantitative PCR,and gene sequence analysis was conducted for positive samples based on OmpA gene.The results showed that 31 Cps-positive samples were detected in a flower-bird market in Jiangsu Province,with an individual positive rate of 41.3%(31/75),but none was in the other two sampling sites(zoos);the positive samples were from budgerigars(23),peafowl parrots(5),gentoo parrots(2)and perching birds(1).For the positive samples,18 OmpA gene fragments were amplified,in which 16 samples had the same gene sequence,that were not in the same branch as the gene sequence in other two positive samples,but all of which belonged to genotype A.In conclusion,the risk of Cps prevalence in the flower-bird markets was relatively high,with concentrated sources of infection.Cps should be further prevented and controlled in local flower-bird markets,relevant regulatory measures should be implemented to improve quarantine supervision,aiming to reduce its transmission rate and safeguard public health safety.


南京农业大学三亚研究院,海南三亚 572025北京动物园,北京 100044海南省动物疫病预防与控制中心,海南海口 570203龙岩学院,福建龙岩 364012南京农业大学,江苏南京 210095南京红山森林动物园,江苏南京 210028



Cpsnucleic acid detectionqPCRgene evolution treegenetic analysis

《中国动物检疫》 2024 (006)

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