

Epidemiological Investigation on Major Zoonotic Diseases in Stray Cats in Qingpu District,Shanghai City


为了解上海市青浦区流浪猫主要人兽共患病流行情况,防范由其引起的公共卫生安全隐患,采用实时荧光PCR和酶联免疫吸附试验,于 2022 年 6 月—2023 年 8 月的春夏季采集中心城区 5 个街镇的流浪猫血液、血清及棉拭子样本各 156 份,按不同月份及街镇对狂犬病、弓形虫病、A型流感病原抗体,以及弓形虫病、A型流感、猫抓病病原核酸进行检测.结果显示:狂犬病病毒、弓形虫和A型流感病毒抗体阳性率分别为14.7%、11.5%和 3.8%;5 月、7 月的狂犬病病毒抗体阳性率显著高于其他月份,中心街镇的狂犬病病毒抗体阳性率显著较高;夏季的弓形虫抗体阳性率高于春季,不同街镇抗体阳性率存在显著差异;3-4月的A型流感病毒抗体阳性率高于其他月份,中心街镇抗体阳性率较高.结果表明,中心城区流浪猫群体的狂犬病病毒抗体阳性率较低,同时部分街镇的流浪猫存在弓形虫、A型流感病毒感染情况,有潜在的公共卫生风险.结果提示,居民与流浪猫接触时应注意加强自身保护.

In order to investigate the prevalence of major zoonotic diseases in stray cats in Qingpu District of Shanghai,and to prevent corresponding hazards to public health safety,156 samples each of blood,serum and cotton swabs were collected from the stray cats in 5 subdistricts/townships in central urban areas from June 2022 to August 2023,to detect antibodies against rabies,toxoplasmosis and influenza A by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA)by month and subdistrict/township,as well as nucleic acids of toxoplasmosis,influenza A and cat-scratch disease by real-time fluorescence PCR.The results showed that the antibody positive rates of rabies,toxoplasmosis and influenza A were 14.7%,11.5%and 3.8%,respectively;the antibody positive rate of rabies was higher in May and July compared to that in other months,significantly higher in central subdistricts/townships;the antibody positive rate of toxoplasmosis was higher in summers compared to that in springs,and greatly different depending on different subdistrict/townships;and the rate of influenza A was higher in March and April compared to that in other months,especially higher in central subdistricts/townships.In conclusion,the positive rate of antibodies against rabies in stray cat population in central urban areas was relatively low,meanwhile,infection of Toxoplasma and influenza A virus existed in stray cats in part of subdistricts/townships.Therefore,self-protection should be concerned when contacting with stray cats.


青浦区农产品质量安全中心,上海 201700青浦区朱家角镇农业农村服务中心,上海 201713



stray catzoonosisrabiestoxoplasmosisinfluenzacat-scratch disease

《中国动物检疫》 2024 (006)

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