

Distributed Adaptive Generalized Nash Equilibrium Algorithm for Aggregative Games



With the development of cyber-physical system technology,the distributed cooperative optimization problem for multi-agent systems has been widely studied.This study focuses on the distributed constrained aggreg-ative game for multi-agent systems,where the local cost function is subject to the global aggregative and global equality constraints.Firstly,a Nash equilibrium seeking algorithm based on estimation gradient descent is designed for the first-order integrator-based multi-agent systems.To this end,an adaptive estimation scheme is designed us-ing the average consensus method of multi-agent systems to realize the distributed estimation of global aggregative function.Based on this,the estimation gradient function is calculated.Secondly,the above algorithm is extended to the state-accessible and state-inaccessible general heterogeneous linear multi-agent systems using the state and out-put feedback control scheme,respectively.Finally,the convergence proof is provided using the LaSalle's invariance principle and several simulation examples are provided for illustrating the effectiveness of our proposed algorithms.


安徽大学自主无人系统技术教育部工程研究中心 合肥 230601||安徽大学安徽省无人系统与智能技术工程研究中心 合肥 230601||安徽大学人工智能学院 合肥 230601


Aggregative gameadaptiveproportional-integralgradient trackinggeneral linear multi-agent system

《自动化学报》 2024 (006)

1210-1220 / 11

国家自然科学基金创新研究群体科学基金(61921004),国家自然科学基金重点项目(62236002,62136008),国家自然科学基金(62303009)资助 Supported by Foundation for Innovative Research Groups of National Natural Science Foundation of China(61921004),Key Projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China(62236002,62136008),and National Natural Science Foundation of China(62303009)

