

Research on the integration of red culture into the construction of medical students'academic style



Red culture embodies the spirit and character of the Communist Party of China of continuous struggle and indomitable for more than 100 years,and is an important resource to promote the construction of academic style in colleges and universities.Red culture is of great help in strengthening the ideals and beliefs of medical students,improving medical ethics and self-cultivation,and cultivating professional spirit.However,the current integration of red culture into the construction of academic style has problems,such as the backwardness of teachers'media literacy,outdated educational discourse,and weak awareness of collaborative education.Based on these,colleges and universities should optimize the integration mechanism of red culture and academic style construction through innovative methods of publicity and education,changing educational discourse,expanding educational channels,and other methods.They should fully leverage the role of red culture in cultivating the foundation and solidifying the soul,enlightening wisdom and infiltrating the heart,and inspiring the fighting spirit.A vibrant and upward academic style should be actively created,as well as excellent academic style should be used to guide people's paths,nourish people's hearts,and urge people to make progress.


哈尔滨医科大学马克思主义学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150081


red culturemedical studentacademic stylered doctor

《中国医学伦理学》 2024 (006)

657-662 / 6

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