

Interpretation and reflection on the Regulations on Donation and Transplantation of Human Organs


2023 年 12 月 14 日《人体器官捐献和移植条例》发布.从完善人体器官捐献体系,明确红十字会的职责;新增人体器官获取与分配体系,强调器官获取部门的独立性,实施器官分配优先权;加强人体器官移植管理,严格限制活体器官移植接受人范围;规范人体器官移植伦理委员会运行和加大违规行为打击力度等方面解读《人体器官捐献和移植条例》.接着思考如何落实和完善人体器官捐献的激励措施,包括落实器官捐献人及其近亲属的优先权,完善器官捐献补偿制度,建立人道救助体系;落实器官捐献组织获取和分配体系;加快器官获取组织的人员队伍等建设;加大宣传动员力度;加强人体器官移植伦理委员会建设.《人体器官捐献和移植条例》有助于更充分发挥器官移植领域的积极性和创造力,各部门应及时修订人体器官捐献与移植相关制度和管理细则,助推人体器官捐献和移植工作.

The Regulations on Donation and Transplantation of Human Organs were issued on December 14,2023.It was interpreted in terms of improving the human organ donation system and clarifying the responsibilities of the Red Cross Society;adding a new system for the acquisition and distribution of human organs,emphasizing the independence of the organ acquisition department,and implementing the priority right of organ distribution;strengthening the management of human organ transplantation,strictly limiting the scope of recipients of living organ transplantation;and regulating the operation of the ethics committee for human organ transplantation and stepping up the crackdown on violations of the regulations.This paper then considered how to implement and improve incentives for human organ donation,including the implementation of the priority rights of organ donors and their close relatives,the improvement of the organ donation compensation system,and the establishment of a humanitarian assistance system;the implementation of a system for the acquisition and distribution of organ donation organization;the acceleration of the construction of the personnel team of the organ acquisition organization;the increase of efforts to advocate and mobilise;and the enhancement of the construction of the ethics committee for human organ transplantation.The Regulations on Donation and Transplantation of Human Organs help to give fuller play to the enthusiasm and creativity in the field of organ transplantation,and all departments should revise the systems and administrative rules relating to human organ donation and transplantation in time,so as to facilitate the work of donation and transplantation of human organ.


中国人民解放军陆军第八十集团军医院卫勤处,山东 潍坊 261042陆军军医大学第二附属医院临床医学研究中心,重庆 400037


Regulations on Donation and Transplantation of Human Organsincentiveethics committee

《中国医学伦理学》 2024 (006)

699-705 / 7


