

Visualization Analysis of Research Hotspots of Breast Cancer Microenvironment Based on CiteSpace and VOSviewer


目的 基于知识图谱探析乳腺癌微环境的研究现状,并预测未来研究热点.方法 检索中国知网及Web of Science Core Collection数据库近20年乳腺癌微环境相关文献,并运用CiteSpace、VOSviewer等软件进行文献计量学分析.结果 共检索到中文文献825篇,英文文献16221篇.可视化分析显示科研人员的研究重点逐渐从细胞研究转向分子方向及药物创新层面,肿瘤干细胞、PD-1、PD-L1、免疫检查点抑制剂、纳米颗粒等是目前乳腺癌微环境研究的热点.美国乳腺癌微环境的相关研究最多,其次为中国、意大利.结论 目前的研究热点主要集中在肿瘤细胞干性、免疫治疗、纳米递送等领域.随着对该领域研究的不断深入,通过靶向乳腺癌微环境预防肿瘤发展及转移,改善肿瘤预后成为新的研究趋势.

Objective To explore the status of knowledge graph-based research into breast cancer micro-environment and to predict future research hotspots.Methods The literature related to breast cancer microenvironment in recent 20 years was retrieved from CNKI and Web of Science Core Collection database and analyzed with CiteSpace and VOSviewer.Results A total of 825 Chinese articles and 16,221 English articles were retrieved.Visual analysis showed that research focus has gradually shifted from cellular research to molecular research and drug innovation.Cancer stem cells,PD-1,PD-L1,immune checkpoint inhibitors,and nanoparticles are the main subjects of interest in research on breast cancer microenvironment,and the United States has the largest number of studies on breast cancer microenvironment,followed by China and Italy.Conclusion Current research mainly focuses on tumor stemness,immunotherapy,and nanodeli-very.Owing to deepening research in this field,the targeting of the breast cancer microenvironment for the prevention of tumor development and metastasis and improvement of tumor prognosis has emerged as a new research direction.


100053 北京,中国中医科学院广安门医院肿瘤科||100029 北京,北京中医药大学研究生院100053 北京,中国中医科学院广安门医院肿瘤科



Breast cancer microenvironmentMechanism explorationCancer treatmentVisual analysisCitespaceVOSviewer

《肿瘤防治研究》 2024 (006)

448-454 / 7

The Sub Project of the National Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance and Innovation Team(No.ZYYCXTD-C-C202205);Director Project of China Traditional Chinese Medicine Evidence-based Medicine Center Business Laboratory(No.2020YJSZX-3) 国家中医药传承创新团队项目(ZYYCXTD-C-202205);中国中医药循证医学中心业务研究室主任专项(2020YJSZX-3)

