

Enlightenment of the Fourth National Survey of Traditional Chinese Medicine Resources in Shaanxi Province on High Quality Development of Qin Medicine Industry


通过对第四次全国中药资源普查陕西省相关工作成果进行梳理,明确了陕西省中药资源种类与构成情况,根据区域生境特点和生态适宜性提出秦药的适宜生产区划;总结了中药资源普查成果在陕西省乡村振兴和富民强省、中药产业合理布局和生产规划、中医药事业高质量可持续发展等方面的作用;最终,从加强种子种苗标准化研究、培育优良秦药品种,积极发展林下经济、构建中药材生态种植体系,引导秦药生产向绿色高效方向发展、促进秦药提质增效 3 个方面展望了秦药产业未来发展面临的挑战,为进一步聚焦秦药大品种、打造秦药全产业链、促进秦药产业绿色可持续发展提供科学参考.

By reviewing the results achieved by Shaanxi Province in the fourth national survey project of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)resources,this study clarified the species and composition of the TCM resources in Shaanxi Province and proposed suitable production areas for Qin medicine according to the regional habitat characteristics and ecological suitability.The study summarized the effects of TCM resources survey results on rural revitalization and prosperity,rational layout and production planning of the TCM industry,and the high-quality sustainable development of the TCM industry in Shaanxi Province.Finally,it outlined the future challenges faced by the Qin medicine industry in three aspects:strengthening standardized research on seeds and seedlings and cultivating excellent Qin medicinal varieties,actively developing the forestry economy and constructing an ecological planting system for Chinese medicinal materials,and guiding the Qin medicine production towards a green and efficient direction to improve the quality and efficiency of Qin medicine.These efforts aim to provide scientific references for further focusing on the major varieties of Qin medicine,to build the whole industry chain for Qin medicine,and to promote the green and sustainable development of the Qin medicine industry.


陕西中医药大学 陕西中药资源产业化省部共建协同创新中心/秦药特色资源研究开发国家重点实验室(培育)/陕西省创新药物研究中心/国家中药材产业技术体系咸阳综合试验站,陕西 咸阳 712046||北京中医药大学 中药学院,北京 102488陕西中医药大学 陕西中药资源产业化省部共建协同创新中心/秦药特色资源研究开发国家重点实验室(培育)/陕西省创新药物研究中心/国家中药材产业技术体系咸阳综合试验站,陕西 咸阳 712046陕西中医药大学中药资源普查项目领导小组办公室,陕西 咸阳 712046南京中医药大学/江苏省中药资源产业化过程协同创新中心,江苏 南京 210023中国中医科学院,北京 100700



survey of traditional Chinese medicine resourcesQin medicinespeciesdivisionindustrial development

《中国现代中药》 2024 (006)

957-966 / 10


