

Intrinsic Attributes and Industrial Value of Qin Medicine Brand


秦药是三秦大地孕育的承载着厚重秦文化的重要战略资源,是陕西省中医药产业发展的重要资源保障.打造秦药品牌对推动陕西省中医药产业发展、提升产业链水平具有重要意义.从秦药品牌遴选、文化价值、战略需求、资源保障和产业发展 5 个方面论述了秦药品牌内在属性和产业价值.以发展秦药产业、树立秦药品牌为引领,破解陕西省中药产业长期存在的基础能力薄弱和产业链水平较低的问题,探索形成绿色产业发展模式,提升产业发展水平,更好地服务于生态保护、健康中国等国家战略.

Qin medicine is a kind of genuine regional drug produced in Shaanxi with a long history and excellent quality.Qin medicine is an important strategic resource nurtured by the land of the three Qin regions,bearing the profound Qin culture.It is also an important resource guarantee for the development of Shaanxi traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)industry.Building up the Qin medicine brand holds significant importance for promoting the development of Shaanxi's TCM industry and upgrading the level of its industrial chain.This paper discussed the intrinsic attributes and industrial value of the Qin medicine brand from five perspectives:brand selection,cultural value,strategic needs,resource guarantee,and industrial development.Through leading the development of the Qin medicine industry and establishing the Qin medicine brand,the long-standing issues of weak foundational capabilities and low industrial chain levels in Shaanxi's TCM industry are deciphered.It explores the formation of a green industrial development model to enhance the development level of the industry,better serving national strategies such as ecological protection and Healthy China.


陕西中医药大学 陕西中药资源产业化省部共建协同创新中心/秦药特色资源研究开发国家重点实验室(培育)/陕西省创新药物研究中心/国家中药材产业技术体系咸阳综合试验站,陕西 咸阳 712046||北京中医药大学 中药学院,北京 102488陕西中医药大学 陕西中药资源产业化省部共建协同创新中心/秦药特色资源研究开发国家重点实验室(培育)/陕西省创新药物研究中心/国家中药材产业技术体系咸阳综合试验站,陕西 咸阳 712046南京中医药大学 江苏省中药资源产业化过程协同创新中心,江苏 南京 210023中国中医科学院,北京 100700



Qin medicinebrandindustry of the TCMendogenous impetusintrinsic attributeindustrial value

《中国现代中药》 2024 (006)

967-971 / 5


