

Thoughts on Development Model and High Quality Development Path for Qin Medicine Industry



The Qin medicine industry is a traditional Chinese medicine industry rooted in the land of the three Qin regions,rich with profound and unique cultural connotations.At present,reviving the Qin medicine culture and revitalizing the Qin medicine industry have become one of the strategic tasks of regional industrial development.Therefore,the development model of"focusing on the Qin medicine brand and cultivating the whole industrial chain"is an effective path and strategic measure for achieving a comprehensive transformation and upgrade of the Qin medicine industry.Based on the ideas of"cultivating enterprises,building bases,creating brands,strengthening industries,and enriching people's livelihoods",the goals are to promote the conversion of agricultural farming advantages into Qin medicine resources production advantages,Qin medicine resources advantages into industrial advantages,the geographical location advantages into circulation advantages,and the science and education talents advantages into the driving development advantages.The strategy involves implementing a quality and efficiency improvement-focused initiative encompassing the cultivation,processing,manufacturing,logistics,health,and"One Belt and One Road"brand project of Qin medicine resources,as well as cultivating large-scale medicinal herb bases,major Qin medicine varieties,extensive Qin medicine logistics,and a robust health industry.This will enhance the scale,core competitiveness,market share,and domestic and international reputation of the Qin medicine industry,thereby building a complete development model for the Qin medicine industry and providing decision-making references for promoting the implementation of the Qin medicine branding strategy.


陕西中医药大学 陕西中药资源产业化省部共建协同创新中心/秦药特色资源研究开发国家重点实验室(培育)/陕西省创新药物研究中心/国家中药材产业技术体系咸阳综合试验站,陕西 咸阳 712046||北京中医药大学 中药学院,北京 102488陕西中医药大学 陕西中药资源产业化省部共建协同创新中心/秦药特色资源研究开发国家重点实验室(培育)/陕西省创新药物研究中心/国家中药材产业技术体系咸阳综合试验站,陕西 咸阳 712046南京中医药大学 江苏省中药资源产业化过程协同创新中心,江苏 南京 210023中国中医科学院,北京 100700



Qin medicine industrydevelopment modelbrandpath

《中国现代中药》 2024 (006)

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