

Design of External Circuit for Induction Coilgun with Low Acceleration Force Fluctuation


感应线圈型发射器中每级驱动线圈都会对电枢产生脉冲形式的电磁推力,导致电枢在发射过程中加速力波动较大.过大的加速力峰值以及加速力波动都可能对载荷造成不利影响甚至损坏其内部携带的敏感电子器件,因而限制了感应线圈型发射器在实际工程应用中的价值.针对上述问题,提出一种多电容分时触发的新型驱动电路,并通过分析电容值和电枢触发位置变化对发射器发射效率的影响,说明了该电路的可行性.设计三种模式的驱动电路进行对比,研究结果表明:相比于其他电路触发模式,提出的分时触发模式在初始储能相同和电枢出口速度近似的情况下,电磁加速力峰值降低了2.04 kN,加速力波动降低了 2.36 kN.因此,采用分时触发电容的驱动外电路,可以有效降低电枢的加速力峰值和加速力波动,并为携带敏感载荷的感应线圈型发射器的设计提供了参考价值.

Induction coilgun usually generates pulsating electromagnetic force which causes the large acceleration force fluctuation of the armature during the launch process.The excessive peak of acceleration force and the inordinate acceleration force fluctuation may be harmful to the load,especially for those carrying sensitive electronic components,which limits the value of induction coil emitters in practical engineering applications.Addressing the above questions,a new type of driving circuit for multi-capacitance time-sharing triggering is proposed,and the feasibility of the circuit is illustrated by analyzing the influence of the change of capacitance value and armature triggering position on the emission efficiency of the launcher.Three modes of driving circuits are designed for comparison,and the calculation results show that:under the conditions of the same initial energy storage and the approximate muzzle velocity of the armature,compared with other circuit triggering modes,in the time-sharing triggering mode proposed,the peak of electromagnetic acceleration force of the armature is reduced by 2.04 kN,and the acceleration force fluctuation is reduced by 2.36 kN.Therefore,the driving circuit with time-sharing triggering capacitor could effectively reduce the peak acceleration force and acceleration force fluctuation,and provides reference value for the design of the induction coilgun with sensitive loads.


西南交通大学电气工程学院,四川成都 611756西南交通大学电气工程学院,四川成都 611756||磁浮技术与磁浮列车教育部重点实验室,四川成都 611756



induction coilgunelectromagnetic forceacceleration force fluctuationsensitive loadtime-sharing triggering system

《电机与控制应用》 2024 (006)

12-19 / 8

磁浮技术与磁浮列车教育部重点实验室开放课题基金Foundation of Key Laboratory of Magnetic Suspension Technology and Maglev Vehicle,Ministry of Education

