

The Opening of the High-speed Railway and the Improvement of Enterprises'Cross-regional Cooperative Innovation Level


加强企业跨区域合作创新是加快建设创新型国家的重要环节.通过搜集 2005-2019 年中国A股上市公司详细的合作申请专利数据,使用双重差分方法检验高铁开通对企业跨区域合作创新的影响.研究发现:高铁开通显著提高了企业跨城市合作申请专利的数量,这一结论在经过平行趋势检验、使用1945 年中国抗日战争胜利后城市是否开通铁路作为工具变量,以及不同估计方法的稳健性检验后仍然成立.机制检验表明,高铁开通主要通过跨城市对城市内合作创新的替代效应、技术升级效应,而非"零和博弈"的空间竞争效应提升企业跨区域合作创新水平.进一步分析发现,高铁开通导致企业合作创新对象的空间分布向更远距离移动,并对非高技术行业、远离城市中心的企业跨区域合作创新的提升作用更大.为通过加强高铁建设来促进企业跨区域合作创新,进而构建区域协调联动的国家创新体系提供了新思路.

Strengthening enterprises'cross-regional cooperative innovations plays an important part in the construction of an innovative country.This paper collects the detailed cooperative patent application data of Chinese A-share listed companies from 2005 to 2019,and uses the difference-in-differences method to test the impacts of the opening of high-speed railway(HSR)on enterprises'cross-regional cooperative innovations.The study finds that the opening of HSR significantly improves the number of enterprises'cross-regional cooperative patent applications.This conclusion is also robust after the common trend test,placebo test,using the variable that whether a city opened the railway in 1945 as an instrument variable and different estimation methods.The mechanism test shows that the opening of HSR enhances enterprises'cross-city cooperative innovation mainly through the substitution effect of cross-city for intra-city cooperative innovation,technological upgrading effect,rather than the spatial competition effects of"zero-sum games"between regions.Further analysis reveals that the opening of HSR leads to the spatial distribution of enterprises'cooperative innovation partners moving to a longer distance,and has a greater role in promoting cross-city cooperative innovation of firms which are in non-high-tech industries and far away from the urban center.This paper provides new insights to promote enterprises'cross-regional cooperative innovation and build a regional coordinated national innovation system by the construction of HSR.


中国社会科学院 财经战略研究院,北京 100006北京邮电大学 经济管理学院,北京 100876



high speed railwayenterprises'innovationcross-regional cooperative innovationpatent applicationdifference in differences

《北京工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024 (004)

57-76 / 20


