

Cadres'Grassroots Working Experience and Regional Business Environment Construction:An Empirical Study Based on the Resumes of Standing Committee Members of Provincial Party Committees


从"人本视角"揭示影响营商环境改善的结构性因素,以中国 31 个省、自治区和直辖市党委常委为例,检验了常委班子成员的个体特质和基层经历与各省营商环境改善间的关系.研究发现,省委常委拥有非政府部门基层工作经历有助于提升当地的营商环境,而且主要体现在对任职地政府效率、金融服务、市场环境和人力资源的改善方面,但并未发现省委常委个体特质和党政部门基层经历与地区营商环境改善间的明显联系.中国持续优化营商环境是培养新质生产力的基础性工作,应加强基层干部队伍建设、不拘一格用人才、配齐配强领导班子,从打造地区最优营商环境的长远目标出发,完善公共服务和创新环境为重点,提升领导干部的专业能力和履职水平能力,持续推动优化营商环境.

This study reveals the structural factors that influence the improvement of the business environment from a humanistic perspective.Using the example of provincial party committee members,it examines the relationship between individual characteristics and grassroots experiences of these members and the improvement of the business environment in various provinces.The research has found that provincial party committee members with grassroots work experience in non-governmental sectors contribute significantly to the enhancement of the local business environment.This enhancement is particularly evident in the improvement of governmental efficiency,financial services,market environment,and human resources in their jurisdictions.However,no significant correlation has been found between the individual characteristics or grassroots experiences in party and government departments of these members and the improvement of the regional business environment.Therefore,continuously optimizing the business environment is fundamental to cultivating new productive forces.China should strengthen the construction of grassroots cadres,employ talents without prejudice,and build robust leadership teams.Aiming at creating the optimal business environment from a regional long-term perspective,the focus should be on enhancing public services and the innovation environment,improving the professional capabilities and performance levels of leading cadres,and continuously promoting the optimization of the business environment.


清华大学 社会科学学院,北京 100084柏林自由大学 中国研究中心,柏林 14195清华大学 国情研究院,北京 100084||清华大学 公共管理学院,北京 100084



national governancehigh-quality developmentnew quality productive forcesbusiness environmentcadre training

《北京工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024 (004)

77-89 / 13


