

Design of a Double-Coil Common Core Gradient Magnetic Sensing Device that can Distinguish Stress Concentration from Defects



Targeting at the engineering problem that the fusion welding joints in special positions of complex components cannot be fully covered in non-destructive testing,based on magnetic detection technology,a double-coil common core gradient magnetic sensing device is designed.The test block of fusion welding processed by the S06 martensitic stainless steel is taken as the experimental object.The device parameters are determined by comparing the magnetic signal detection results at the weld defects and stress concentration under different lifting heights,and by testing the performance of sensing device.The results show that the magnetic induction intensity decrea-ses with the increase of the lifting heights at both the stress concentration and the defects,and at a certain lifting height,the magnetic anomaly characteristics of the defects disappear,while the magnetic anomaly signal still exists at the stress concentration,so the stress concentration and the defect signals can be distinguished according to the phenomenon.The feasibility and effectiveness of the double-coil common core gradient magnetic sensing device in testing of weld defects are verified by the X-ray test results.The same test method can be used to calibrate the device parameters for fusible welded joints with similar material magnetism and welding process,so as to ex-pand the applicability of the designed device.


西安航天发动机有限公司,陕西 西安 710100南昌航空大学无损检测技术教育部重点实验室,江西 南昌 330063



magnetic sensing devicedefects identificationmagnetic detection technologystress concentration

《传感技术学报》 2024 (006)

974-979 / 6


