

Detection of Crack Damage for Concrete by Conductive Ink Layer and Electrical Resistance Tomography



To solve the monitoring problem of crack damage for concrete,graphene carbon ink is used to prepare a conductive layer on the surface of concrete,and electrical resistance tomography technology is adopted to identify crack damage.By comparing the change of the boundary voltage of the conductive layer before and after the damage,TV-SB regularization algorithm is used to reconstruct the dis-tribution image of the conductivity change caused by damage to determine information about the crack damage.Experiments for detection of artificial crack and crack in bending beam are carried out respectively to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method for crack identification.The experimental results show that the performance of the conductive ink layer is good,and the conductivity change image reconstructed by using electrical resistance tomography technology can well reflect the location and length of crack dam-age,providing a promising technology for monitoring and identifying concrete crack damage.


南京航空航天大学民航学院,江苏 南京 211106南京航空航天大学金城学院,江苏 南京 211156


concrete structural monitoringelectrical resistance tomographycrack damage identificationconductive ink layer

《传感技术学报》 2024 (006)

1084-1089 / 6

