

Optimization study of subway carriage ventilation systems based on virus transmission risk


地铁交通系统在提供便利的同时也可能成为病毒传播的温床,优化车厢通风方式是降低病毒传播风险的重要途径.首先,通过数值模拟构建一个典型的集中回风模式地铁车厢模型,并通过实地测量数据验证其准确性.然后,在集中回风模式基础上提出了一种分散回风模式,与集中回风模式进行对比分析,探讨2种模式下车厢内流场和飞沫扩散特征.最后,结合感染风险评价模型讨论了乘客的感染风险.研究结果显示:在车厢流场和温度场方面,集中回风模式下车厢内15个测点的气流速度和温度均值分别为(0.27±0.13)m/s和(26.4±1.35)℃,分散回风模式下分别为(0.25±0.08)m/s和(26.2±0.94)℃.在飞沫扩散方面,集中回风模式下飞沫受到集中回风口产生的纵向气流影响,在车厢内扩散的区域相比于分散回风模式下更大,集中回风模式下飞沫扩散的区域是分散回风模式下的1.45倍.在乘客感染风险方面,整体上分散回风模式下站姿和坐姿乘客的感染风险都小于集中回风模式下乘客感染风险,且在飞沫释放后的0~20 s内集中回风模式下站姿乘客感染风险是分散回风模式下的1~2倍.相对于集中回风模式,车厢采用分散回风模式可以提高车厢内速度场和温度场的均匀性,并且可以更快地清除乘客呼吸区的飞沫,降低乘客的感染风险.研究结果可为进一步优化地铁车厢通风系统和保障乘客出行安全提供参考.

The subway transportation system provides convenience to people but may also accelerate the spread of viruses.Optimizing the carriage ventilation system is an important method to reduce the risk of virus transmission.A numerical model of a typical subway carriage with the concentrated air recirculation(CAR)mode was constructed using numerical simulation methods,and the accuracy of the model was verified using field measurement data.Based on the CAR mode,the study proposed a dispersed air recirculation(DAR)mode.A comparative analysis of the flow characteristics and droplet dispersion features in subway carriages under these two air recirculation modes was conducted.Furthermore,the risk of infection for passengers was discussed in conjunction with an infection risk assessment model.Results indicate that regarding the airflow and temperature fields in the carriage,the average airflow velocity and temperature at 15 measurement points under the CAR mode are(0.27±0.13)m/s and(26.4±1.35)℃,respectively.In contrast,in the DAR mode,they are(0.25±0.08)m/s and(26.2±0.94)℃,respectively.In terms of droplet dispersion,under the CAR mode,droplets are influenced by the longitudinal airflow generated by the centralized air vents,resulting in a greater spread distance than that in the DAR mode.In the CAR mode,the area of droplet dispersion is 1.45 times that of the DAR mode.Regarding passenger infection risk,passengers in both standing and sitting positions under the DAR mode have a lower risk of infection than passengers under the CAR mode.Within 0~20 seconds after droplet release,the risk of infection for standing passengers under the CAR mode is 1~2 times that of standing passengers under the DAR mode.Compared to the CAR mode,the DAR mode can improve the uniformity of the velocity and temperature fields inside the carriage.It can also help with more rapidly removing droplets from the breathing zones of passengers,thereby reducing the risk of infection for both standing and seated passengers.The research findings provide a reference for further optimizing subway carriage ventilation systems and ensuring the safety of passenger travel.


中南大学 交通运输工程学院 轨道交通安全教育部重点实验室,湖南 长沙 410075||中南大学 轨道交通安全关键技术国际合作联合实验室,湖南 长沙 410075||中南大学 轨道交通列车安全保障技术国家地方联合工程研究中心,湖南 长沙 410075中南大学 交通运输工程学院 轨道交通安全教育部重点实验室,湖南 长沙 410075河南工程学院 软件学院,河南 郑州 451191



subway compartmentreturn air modedroplet's transmissionnumerical simulationinfection risk

《铁道科学与工程学报》 2024 (006)

2241-2251 / 11


