

Clinical Rehabilitation Practice Guidelines on Standing Balance Disorder in Patients with Stroke



Standing balance disorder in stroke refers to the difficulty a patient experiences in maintaining static and dynamic balance while standing,including standing instability,swaying,and a higher risk of falling.It seriously affects the patient's ability of walking and activities of daily living.Physical therapy and traditional Chinese treatment are effective rehabilitation methods for improving standing balance function in stroke patients.For standardized assessment and application of physical therapy and tradi-tional Chinese treatment on standing balance,an expert panel compiled a draft of clinical practice guidelines for standing balance impairment rehabilitation in stroke based on the Delphi method of summarizing consensus opinions,and was modified and formu-lated to guideline after consensus conference.This guideline covers the technical scope of practice,normative reference documents,terms and definitions(balance,base of support,center of mass,center of gravity,limits of stability,proprioception,vestibular func-tion,visual sense,vestibulo-ocular reflex,standing balance function,standing balance disorder,core stability,balance strategy),reha-bilitation assessments(clinical manifestation,clinical evaluations,special assessments related to balance function,visual and co-ordination function assessment),rehabilitation treatments(vestibular function training,sensory function training,visual function training,motor function training,coordination and dystaxia training,psychotherapy,kinesitherapy,dual task training,virtual reality technique,non-invasive neural regulation technology,rehabilitation robot,hydrotherapy,visual feedback balance training,traditional rehabilitation therapy and medical gymnastics)and evaluations of therapeutic efficiency.This guideline can provide standardized diagnosis and treatment procedures for rehabilitation treatment of standing balance disorder in stroke patients and evidence reference for clinical decision-making practice,with good clinical applicability and practicability.


南京医科大学第一附属医院,江苏 南京 210029东南大学附属中大医院,江苏 南京 210009苏州大学附属第四医院,江苏 苏州 215123漳州卫生职业学院,福建 漳州 363000广州市第一人民医院,广东 广州 510180中山大学附属第一医院,广东 广州 510062苏州大学附属第一医院,江苏 苏州 215006中日友好医院,北京 100029


strokebalance disorderstanding balanceguidelinerehabilitationtraditional rehabilitation treatment

《康复学报》 2024 (003)

195-210 / 16


