

Design of GNSS Spoofing Method and System Based on Software Defined Radio


针对目前无人机反制技术存在的干扰功率高、易造成二次伤害等问题,提出一种基于软件无线电的全球卫星导航系统(global navigation satellite system,GNSS)欺骗方法.根据真实信号的发射时间、多普勒频率和导航电文等信息重构欺骗基带信号,并通过软件无线电平台将数字基带信号转变为射频信号,实现信号的播发.欺骗信号参数预测精度仿真结果表明,所提出的算法预测信号发射时间能达到小于 10 ns的精度,预测多普勒频移能达到小于 1 Hz的精度,验证了该欺骗方法的隐蔽性和可行性;实物实验结果表明,该欺骗系统能够有效进行授时、位置、轨迹欺骗.所提出的算法能够在软件无线电平台上实现隐蔽性较好的欺骗,具有成本低、实现简单、负面影响小等特点.

In order to solve the problems of existing spoofing methods,such as high jamming power,easy to cause secondary injury,this paper proposes a global navigation satellite system(GNSS)deception method based on software-defined radio.The method reconstructs the baseband signals of the deception signals through the transmission time,Doppler frequency,navigation messages and other information of the real signals,and converts the digital baseband signals into radio frequency signals through the software-defined radio platform to broadcast the signals.The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can reach the accuracy less than 10 ns of predicting the signal transmission time and the Doppler frequency shift can reach less than 1 Hz,which verifies the invisibility and feasibility of this deception method.The physical experimental results show that the deception system can effectively perform timing/positioning/trajectory deception.The proposed method can achieve good concealment deception on software-defined radio platforms,with characteristics such as low cost,simple implementation,and minimal negative impact.


广东电网有限责任公司电力科学研究院,广东 广州 510080



GNSS spoofing signaltiming deceptionpositioning deceptiontrajectory deceptionsoftware-defined radio

《广东电力》 2024 (006)

79-86 / 8


