

Stress Relaxation Characteristics and Numerical Simulation of Mn-Cu Alloy under Different Deformation Conditions



The improvement of computing power provides a support for finite element simulation analysis,which can solve more complex structures and nonlinear problems more efficiently.In this study,based on the finite element simulation analysis technology,the complex mechanical properties of Mn-Cu alloy are simulated.Prony series con-stitutive model and parallel rheological constitutive model are respectively adopted to simulate the stress relaxation test of Mn-Cu alloy under different deformation conditions.The stress relaxation experimental data are extracted and converted into the corresponding model parameters and the finite element simulation calculation is carried out.The simulation model parameters which can accurately describe the nonlinear mechanical properties of Mn-Cu alloy are obtained.By comparing the simulation and experimental results,it is concluded that the parallel rheological frame-work can more accurately characterize the stress relaxation behavior of Mn-Cu alloy.Under different initial strain conditions,the relative error of the simulation results and the test results under corresponding working conditions is less than 1%.Compared with Prony series constitutive model,parallel rheological framework is more suitable for the simulation of Mn-Cu alloy under complex working conditions.


上海材料研究所有限公司,上海 200437上海材料研究所有限公司,上海 200437||上海市工程材料应用与评价重点实验室,上海 200437



Mn-Cu alloyviscoelasticitynonlinearityparallel rheological frameworkProny seriesfinite elementstress relaxationsimulation

《电子科技》 2024 (008)

47-53 / 7

国家重点研发计划(2021YFB3801804);上海张江国家自主创新示范区专项发展资金(ZJ2021-ZD-006)National Key R&D Program of China(2021YFB3801804);Shanghai Zhangjiang National Innovation Demonstration Zone Special Ddevel-opment Fund(ZJ2021-ZD-006)

