该文以上海某一流本科专业的 352 名民办高校师范生为研究对象开展问卷调查,探究其职业认同感现状和影响因素.研究发现,民办高校小学教育专业师范生职业认同感普遍较强,大部分同学对未来从事教育行业充满憧憬;家庭、社会因素和教育实习对师范生职业认同感有积极影响;但师范生在教学技能训练的主观能动性上仍有一定的进步空间.因此,该文建议民办高校小学教育师范生夯实专业基础知识,提升自身教学实践能力.同时,建议各所民办高校师范专业完善教育实习环节,突出错位竞争优势并完善师范生职后发展跟踪机制.
This paper conducts a survey on 352 students majoring in primary education in a private university in Shanghai with the aim to explore their occupational identity and its influencing factors.Research has found that students majoring in primary education generally have a strong sense of professional identity,and most of the students are full of aspirations for their future career in the education industry.Family,social factors,and educational internships have a positive impact on students'professional identity;However,there is still some room for improvement in terms of their teaching skills.Therefore,this paper suggests that students majoring in primary education should strengthen their professional knowledge and enhance their teaching abilities.At the same time,it is recommended that all private universities should improve the education internship process,highlight the competitive advantage,and enhance the tracking mechanism for the post employment development of students.
上海师范大学天华学院,上海 201815
students majoring in primary educationprofessional identityteaching skillseducational internshippost-career development
《高教学刊》 2024 (020)
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