

Analysis of the Construction of Grassroots Water Conservancy Service System in Zhecheng County



The basic service organization system of water conservancy is the foundation of water conservancy work and plays an important role in water conservancy development.With the development of water conservancy project construction,promoting the construction of grass-roots water conservancy service system as an important work of rural water conservancy,strengthening leadership,and formulating measures have achieved considerable results.Grass-roots water conservancy service system plays an irreplaceable role in the development of water conservancy,which is a long-term and arduous task.Based on the past construction of grass-roots water conservancy service system in Zhecheng County,this paper analyzes the current situation of grass-roots water conservancy service system in Zhecheng County,and looks forward to the construction of grass-roots water conservancy service system in Zhecheng County,in order to further promote the construction of grass-roots water conservancy service system in Zhecheng County.


柘城县水利局,河南 柘城 476200



Zhecheng Countygrass-roots serviceswater conservancy systemconstruction situationlook forward

《河南水利与南水北调》 2024 (006)

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