

Moderate and psychometric test of the spousal caregiver version of stroke recurrence risk perception scale


目的 调试脑卒中配偶照顾者版复发风险感知评估量表,并检验其信效度.方法 通过专家小组会议调试获得脑卒中配偶照顾者版复发风险感知评估量表,并通过预调查及专家咨询确定问卷最终形式.于2022-06-09选取214名河南省某三级医院住院的脑卒中患者的配偶照顾者作为调查对象,2周后抽取30名研究对象进行重测,以检验量表信效度.结果 脑卒中配偶照顾者版复发风险感知评估量表包括2个部分,共20个条目,第1部分包括3个条目,第2部分包括3个维度(累计方差贡献率为67.114%),共17个条目.总量表的内容效度指数为0.960,第2部分的Cronbach's α系数为0.896,折半信度为0.767,2周后重测信度为0.892.结论 脑卒中配偶照顾者版复发风险感知评估量表具有良好的信效度,可用于评估配偶照顾者感知患者卒中复发风险情况.

Objective To debug the stroke spouse caregiver version of the recurrence risk perception assessment scale and test its reliability and validity.Methods The stroke spouse caregiver version of the perceived recurrence risk assessment scale was obtained through debugging at an expert panel meeting,and the final form of the questionnaire was determined through pre-surveys and expert consultation.From June 2022 to September 2022,214 spousal caregivers of stroke patients hospitalised in a tertiary hospital in Henan Province were selected as survey respondents,and 30 study participants were retested 2 weeks later to test the reliability of the scale.Results The stroke spousal caregiver version of the recurrence risk perception assessment scale consisted of 2 parts with a total of 20 entries,part 1 included 3 entries,and part 2 included 3 dimensions(with a cumulative variance contribution rate of 67.114%)with a total of 17 entries.The content validity index of the total scale was 0.960.The Cronbach's α coefficient of part 2 was 0.896,the split-half reliability was 0.767,and the two-week test-retest reliability was 0.892.Conclusion The stroke spouse caregiver version of the perceived risk of recurrence scale has good reliability and validity,and it can be used as a research tool for assessing the level of caregiver-perceived risk of recurrent stroke in patients.


郑州大学护理与健康学院,河南 郑州 450001郑州大学第二附属医院,河南 郑州 450003



StrokeSpousal caregiverRecurrence risk perception assessment scaleReliabilityValidity

《中国实用神经疾病杂志》 2024 (007)

887-891 / 5


