

Research on Coastal Zone Management System in Cambodia Under the Belt and Road Initiative


"一带一路"倡议是中国政府推动国际合作的一项重要战略,开展中国-柬埔寨海岸带管理合作是贯彻落实"一带一路"倡议的重要举措之一.近几年来,柬埔寨社会发展迅速,沿海 4 省人口增长迅速,城市化进程加快,海洋开发利用活动不断增加,但也对海岸带生态系统带来巨大压力,迫切需要建立合理、有效的海岸带管理体系.文章通过梳理当前柬埔寨海岸带管理体制,发现柬埔寨海岸带管理存在法律法规缺乏系统性、污染物排放管理不善、执法监管政策有待完善、获取数据能力不足和公众参与不足等五大问题,提出完善海岸带管理制度、加强海岸带管理能力建设、增强公众海岸带保护意识等建议,并在此基础上提出中柬海岸带管理合作的 3 个方向,为完善柬埔寨海岸带管理体系提供参考,推动中柬在海岸带管理领域的深度合作.

The Belt and Road initiative is an important strategy of the Chinese government to promote international cooperation,and China-Cambodia cooperation is one of the important ini-tiatives to implement the Belt and Road initiative.In recent years,Cambodia's four coastal prov-inces have experienced rapid population growth,accelerated urbanization and increased marine exploitation activities,which have put tremendous pressure on the coastal zone ecosystem and urgently require the establishment of a reasonable and effective coastal zone management system.By combing through the current Cambodia's coastal zone management system and insti-tutions,this paper finds that there are five major problems in the management of Cambodian coastal zone,such as lack of comprehensive laws and regulations,poor management of pollutant discharge,enforcement and supervision policies to be improved,insufficient ability to obtain da-ta,and insufficient public participation.The paper puts forward suggestions on improving the coastal zone management system,strengthening coastal zone management capacity building,and enhancing public awareness of coastal zone protection.On this basis,three directions for China-Cambodian coastal zone management cooperation are proposed to provide references for improving Cambodia's coastal zone management system and promoting in-depth cooperation in the field of coastal zone management between China and Cambodia.


国家海洋技术中心 天津 300112



CambodiaCoastal zoneMarine departmentManagement system

《海洋开发与管理》 2024 (003)

72-78 / 7

