

Construction and Empirical Analysis of Zhejiang Marine Economy High-Quality Level Evaluation System


文章分析了高质量发展的海洋经济的内涵与实质,结合浙江省海洋强省建设实际,创新构建以"海洋经济发展质效-海洋创新驱动能力-对外开放水平-海洋生态环境质量-社会共享程度"为基准层的评价体系,采用熵值法确定指标权重,实证分析 2010-2020 年浙江海洋经济高质量发展水平,分析各子系统与海洋经济高质量发展的内在联系.研究结果表明:5 个子系统按权重由高到低依次排序为对外开放水平、海洋经济发展质效、社会共享程度、海洋创新驱动能力、海洋生态环境质量.2010-2020 年的整个评价期,浙江省海洋经济高质量发展水平评价结果呈现稳步提高态势,高质量发展成效不断提升.2010-2015 年子系统海洋经济发展质效、海洋创新驱动能力、社会共享程度都呈现快速提高的趋势,2015 年之后,对外开放水平成为拉动综合评价结果提升的第一动力.

This paper analyzes the connotation and essence of marine economy with high-quality devel-opment.Combined with the actual construction of powerful marine economy in Zhejiang Province,it constructs an evaluation system with"quality efficiency of marine economic development-marine inno-vation driving ability-external development level-marine ecological environment quality-social sharing degree"as the benchmark layer,and uses the entropy method to determine the index weight.This pa-per empirically analyzes the high-quality development level of Zhejiang marine economy from 2010 to 2020,and analyzes the internal relationship between each subsystem and the high-quality development of marine economy.The results showed that:The five subsystems were ranked in the order of external development level>quality efficiency of marine economic development>social sharing degree>ma-rine innovation driving ability>marine ecological environment quality.During the whole evaluation pe-riod from 2010 to 2020,the evaluation results of high-quality development level of marine economy in Zhejiang Province showed a steady improvement trend.From 2010 to 2015,the quality and efficiency of sub-system marine economic development,marine innovation driving ability and social sharing degree all showed a trend of rapid improvement.After 2015,the external development level became the first driving force to improve the comprehensive evaluation results.


自然资源部海洋空间资源管理技术重点实验室 杭州 310012||浙江省海洋科学院 杭州 310012



Marine economyHigh-quality developmentEvaluation systemComprehensive evaluation

《海洋开发与管理》 2024 (003)

133-142 / 10

