

Effects of temperature and salinity on hatching,early growth,and survival of interspecific hybrid larvae between Crassostrea angulata and C.gigas,C.sikamea,and C.hongkongensis


本研究以野生福建牡蛎(A)为亲本一方,分别与野生长牡蛎(G)、熊本牡蛎(S)、香港巨牡蛎(H)进行杂交,除A♀×S♂、A♀×H♂两组杂交不育外,共得到AG(A♀×G♂)、GA(G♀×A♂)、SA(S♀×A♂)、HA(H♀×A♂)、AA(A♀×A♂)5 个不同组合,并研究不同盐度与温度对其幼虫孵化率、早期生长及成活率的影响.结果表明,盐度 25 时AG、GA、SA、HA、AA五组孵化率分别达到最大值 78.33%、75.00%、63.33%、55.00%、71.67%;温度低于 25℃时,GA孵化率高于其他组,温度高于 25℃时AG孵化率最大,其中 25℃时达到最大孵化率 83.33%;不同盐度条件下D型幼虫经过 7 d培育,HA在盐度 20 时壳高达到最大值 97.8 µm,成活率 46.67%,在盐度为 35 时第 5 天全部死亡.AG、GA、SA、AA四组在盐度为 25 时壳高有最大值,分别为 124.7 µm、121.2 µm、93.7 µm,111.8 µm;不同温度条件下D型幼虫经过 7 d 培育,在温度为 25℃时各组壳高和成活率均有最大值,大小排列依次为 AG>GA>AA>HA>SA,各组成活率随温度升高呈现出先增大后减小的趋势,AG在 25℃时成活率在所有组中最高,为 88.89%;孵化后在适宜温度盐度条件下连续培养 16 d,不同组之间壳高表现为:AG>GA>AA>HA>SA,AG壳高、壳高 SGR 及成活率始终大于其他组,而 SA、HA 两组壳高、壳高 SGR 及成活率始终小于自交组AA.研究表明,相较于福建牡蛎与熊本牡蛎、香港巨牡蛎的杂交,以及福建牡蛎的自交,福建牡蛎与长牡蛎的杂交子代表现出明显的生长及存活优势,生长潜力较好,且AG优于GA;AG组在盐度 25、水温 25℃条件下生长速率最大,成活率最高.研究结果可为福建牡蛎育苗行业良种选育提供参考依据.

The Fujian oyster Crassostrea angulata is the most cultivated oyster species in the Fujian province.To evaluate the effects of different temperatures and salinities on the hatching rate,the early growth and survival rate of C.angulata(A)and their crosses with C.gigas(G),C.sikamea(S),and C.hongkongensis(H),five experimental groups of AG(A♀×G♂),GA(G♀×A♂),SA(S♀×A♂),HA(H♀×A♂),and AA(A♀×A♂)were produced us-ing diallel crosses,except for hybrid sterility that existed in A♀×S♂and A♀×H♂combinations.The hatching rates of AG,GA,SA,HA,and AA reached maximum values of 78.33%,75.00%,63.33%,55.00%,and 71.67%,respec-tively,when the salinity was 25.When the temperature was<25℃,the hatching rate of GA was higher than that of other groups;when the temperature was>25℃,the hatching rate of AG was the highest,and the maximum hatch-ing rate reached 83.33%at 25℃.After 7 days of culture under different salinity conditions,the shell height of HA reached a maximum of 97.8 µm at a salinity of 20,with a survival rate of 46.67%,and all larvae died on the 5th day at a salinity of 35.The maximum shell height of AG,GA,SA,and AA was 124.7,121.2,93.7,and 111.8 µm,re-spectively,when salinity was 25.After culturing for 7 days at different temperatures,all groups showed the maxi-mum shell height and survival rate at 25℃,and the survival rate of each group showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing with increased temperature;the survival rate of AG was highest in all groups(88.89%)at 25℃.After 16 days of continuous cultivation under suitable temperature and salinity conditions,the shell heights of the different groups were as follows:AG>GA>AA>HA>SA.Shell height,shell height SGR,and survival rate of AG were always higher than those of other groups,while those of SA and HA were always lower than those of the self-crossing group AA.Our study showed that the hybrid offspring of C.angulata and C.gigas showed obvious growth and survival advantages;AG was better than GA,and the growth and survival rates of AG were highest un-der the conditions of salinity of 25 and temperature of 25℃.These results provide a reference for the breeding of Fujian oysters.


莆田市水产科学研究所,福建 莆田 351100集美大学水产学院,福建 厦门 361100



Crassostrea angulataC.gigasC.sikameaC.hongkongensisinterspecific hybridization

《海洋科学》 2024 (004)

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福建省科技计划(2021N0041);农业农村部东海海水健康养殖重点实验室开放课题(2022ESHML19)Fujian Science and Technology Plan Guiding Project,No.2021N0041;Key Laboratory of Healthy Mariculture for the East China Sea,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,P.R.China,No.2022ESHML19

