

Technology and research progress with regard to CO2 ocean storage


全球变暖的问题正变得日益严峻,碳减排碳中和已成为国际社会的共识和努力目标.作为 CO2减排的重要方式之一,二氧化碳捕集、利用与封存(Carbon Capture,Utilization and Storage,CCUS)近年来备受关注并且发展迅猛.CO2 海洋封存作为其中一种最具潜力的减排方式,了解其发展现状对进一步研究CO2 封存具有重要的参考价值.本文介绍了CO2 海洋封存的方法和封存机理,总结了该技术在国内外研究进展.此外,文章还概述了我国在 CO2 海洋封存上的巨大潜力和库源匹配上的优势,以及海洋封存对环境可能造成的影响.最后,指出推进 CO2 海洋封存技术的研究并开发相应的能力,将有助于加速推进碳减排进程、尽快实现碳中和目标.

The world is now facing a critical challenge:global warming.Addressing this issue requires a collective effort to reduce carbon emissions and achieve carbon neutrality,a goal that has gained international consensus.In recent years,carbon capture,utilization,and storage(CCUS)has emerged as a critical tool in the fight against car-bon emissions,and it is presently in a rapid phase of development.Among the various methods incorporated within CCUS technology,CO2 ocean storage shows the most potential.Therefore,understanding its current developmental status is crucial for further advancements in CO2 storage research.This paper provides an overview of the methods and mechanisms of CO2 ocean storage and summarizes the progress made in CO2 marine storage technology at home and abroad.It also outlines the enormous potential for CO2 ocean storage and the benefits of source-sink matching in China.However,it also considers the potential environmental implications for CO2 ocean storage,which could be far from negligible.Finally,the paper points out that it is necessary to promote research on ocean storage technologies,explore the extent of ocean storage capacity,and accelerate carbon emission reduction to achieve carbon neutrality as soon as possible.


海油总节能减排监测中心有限公司,天津 300452中国科学院上海高等研究院 中国科学院低碳转化科学与工程重点实验室,上海 201210



carbon captureutilization and storage(CCUS)ocean storageresearch progressmarine environmentocean acidification

《海洋科学》 2024 (004)

108-121 / 14

中海油能源发展股份有限公司重大科技专项"CCUS一体化低成本技术研究及应用"Major Science and Technology Projects of CNOOC Energy Development Co.,Ltd,Research and Application of Low-cost Integrated CCUS Technology

