

Industrial Linkage Spillover Effects of Digital Empowerment on GVC Upgrading from an Industrial Chain Perspective


促进实体经济与数字经济融合发展,加快产业数字化转型升级是推进产业链供应链现代化、实现制造业高质量发展的必由之路.本文以全球 42 个经济体 17 个制造业的面板数据为样本,考察产业数字化对全球价值链分工地位提升的产业关联溢出效应.研究结果表明,数字化对全球价值链分工地位的影响存在产业关联溢出效应,前向关联溢出效应较后向关联溢出效应明显.机制分析结果表明,前向产业关联溢出效应的正向影响作用有一部分是通过促进本产业国内数字化水平提升、服务化水平以及生产效率水平提升来间接实现的.另外,产业关联溢出效应的发挥与产业之间的数字化水平相近程度紧密相关.应深化产业链上下游企业间的协同合作,推进大中小企业融通创新,鼓励企业间复合型数字化人才共同培养,鼓励整个产业链建立统一数据标准和管理平台.本文的研究为推进产业链供应链现代化建设,促进产业链数字化协同发展、大中小企业融通,实现制造业高质量发展和制造强国的目标提供了经验支撑.

Integrating the digital and ecological economies and upgrading industrial digital transformation will modernize industrial and supply chains and realize the high-quality development of manufacturing.To determine whether industrial digitalization can exert spillover effects between industries through industry linkages,this paper mainly discusses the influencing mechanism and constraints at the global level.Using the manufacturing panel data of 42 countries from 2000 to 2019,it empirically examines the industrial linkage spillover effects of digitalization on the global value chain(GVC)division status. The findings are as follows.First,digitalization exerts intra-industry and industrial linkage spillover effects,which contribute to elevating the GVC division status.The enhancement of digitalization in upstream industries can help elevate the GVC division status of the industry,while the impact from downstream industries is not significant.Second,the enhancement of digitalization of upstream industries indirectly elevates the GVC division status of the industry.The positive impact of the forward industrial linkage spillover effect is partly achieved by improving the domestic digitalization and servitization of the industry,and labor productivity.Third,the closer the digitalization of this industry is to that of its upstream and downstream industries,the more conducive it becomes to realizing the industrial linkage spillover effect.The findings provide empirical support for promoting the modernization of the industrial and supply chains,facilitating the collaboration of industrial chain digitization,integrating large,medium and small enterprises,and realizing the goal of high-quality development of the manufacturing industry and a strong manufacturing country. The paper presents a unified theoretical framework that integrates the digitalization of manufacturing and the GVC division status,thereby expanding the theoretical research system on elevating the GVC division status in the era of the digital economy.At the empirical level,it deepens the research of manufacturing digitization.This paper analyzes the transmission mechanism and restricting factors of industrial linkage spillover effects that digitalization affects the GVC division status,and conducts empirical tests to make the research more three-dimensional.Therefore,it is suggested to deepen the collaboration between upstream and downstream enterprises of the industrial chain,promote integrated innovation among large,medium,and small enterprises,encourage the joint training of composite digital talents among enterprises,and encourage the establishment of unified data standards and management platforms for the whole industrial chain.





industrial chaindigitalizationGVCindustrial linkagespillover effect

《经济与管理研究》 2024 (007)

34-56 / 23


