

Simulation analysis of indirect effects of lightning on airborne missiles


导弹作为军机的挂载,在雷电特殊环境中存在遭受雷击风险.为了提高机载导弹的雷电防护,根据标准SAE ARP5416的试验方法在CST中搭建仿真环境,对"军机挂载导弹"模型采用静电场仿真进行雷电附着 1A区划分,并采用注入电流法仿真模型遭遇雷击时的间接效应.仿真结果表明:导弹导引头固定后沿(金属部分)和尾翼翼尖易遭受雷电初始附着,当雷电附着于导弹导引头固定后沿时,雷达罩内的电磁场环境最为恶劣,并且碳纤维复合材料(CFRP)舱段内产生的强电场环境和线缆的高感应电压会损坏弹内设备,而CFRP镀铝可将舱段内电场强度和线缆感应电压降低2个数量级,有着良好的雷电电磁屏蔽效果.

As a suspension for military aircraft,missile has potential for being struck by lightning in special thunderstorm environments.To improve the lightning protection of airborne missiles,a simulation environment of military aircraft with missiles is built in CST software according to the testing methods in SAE ARP5416 standard.The lightning 1A zones are classified through electrostatic field simulation,and the indirect effects of lightning striking on this model are simulated under injection current method.Simulation results show that the head rear edge of missile(metal parts)and tail wing tip of missile are susceptible to initial attachment from lightning.When the head rear edge of the missile is attached by lightning,extremely harsh electromagnetic environment occurs at the radome,and the equipment in the cabin of carbon fiber reinforced plastic(CFRP)can be damaged owing to the strong electric field and the high voltage induced on cables.However,the electric field strength and induced voltage amplitudes on cables can be dropped in two orders of magnitude separately in the condition of aluminum plating inside the CFRP cabin.


江西洪都航空工业集团有限责任公司,南昌 330024


lightning initial attachmentairborne missileCST simulationlightning indirect effectcarbon fiber reinforced plastic

《强激光与粒子束》 2024 (008)

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