

A 320 GHz frequency tripler based on face-to-face differential structure


结合高频特性下肖特基二极管有源区电气模型建模方法,实现了一种基于对差分结构的 320 GHz三倍频器,相比于传统的平衡式和非平衡式电路,这种结构可以在降低工艺复杂度的同时使电路的功率容量增加一倍,更好地满足现代通信系统对大功率太赫兹频率源的需求.为了提高电路在高耗散功率下的仿真精度,使用符号定义器件在电路仿真软件中建立起新型的电-热自适应模型,最后按照场路结合的迭代方式完成整体电路设计.测试结果表明设计的三倍频器在 123~200 mW的驱动功率下可以实现最高 8.8%的转换效率,最大输出功率为 17.27 mW;在 305~384 mW的驱动功率下可以实现最高 7.2%的转换效率,最大输出功率为 27.33 mW,为高功率太赫兹器件的高效设计提供了有益借鉴.

A 320 GHz balanced frequency tripler based on face-to-face differential configuration has been demonstrated without any on-chip capacitor.The proposed circuit could increase the power handling by a factor of two compared to the traditional balanced ones without any decline in efficiency.To improve the simulation accuracy under high dissipated power level,an accurate self-consistent electro-thermal model has been implemented using the symbolically defined device(SDD)component during the harmonic balance simulation.The fabricated tripler has proved that driven by powers ranging from 123 to 200 mW,the maximum output power and conversion efficiency can be 17.27 mW and 8.8%at 309.6 GHz,respectively.Moreover,the tripler reaches a peak output power of 27.33 mW with 7.2%conversion efficiency when driven from 305 to 384 mW.This configuration manifests a prospective solution for high-power multipliers,facilitating the application in various fields such as terahertz high-speed communication,radar imaging,and astronomical observation in the future.


中国工程物理研究院电子工程研究所,四川绵阳 621900||中国工程物理研究院微系统与太赫兹研究中心,四川成都 610200



face to face differential structurefrequency triplerTHzpower capabilitySchottky diode

《强激光与粒子束》 2024 (008)

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