首页|期刊导航|水力发电|风浪流单独及耦合作用下15 MW级浮式基础动力特性研究

风浪流单独及耦合作用下15 MW级浮式基础动力特性研究OACSTPCD

Analysis of Dynamic Characteristics of 15 MW Floating Foundation System under the Independent and Coupled Effects of Wind,Wave and Current


了解风浪流等环境荷载效应对浮式基础设计及优化至关重要,为此,以15 MW级漂浮式基础为研究对象,系统性定量分析风浪流环境荷载单独及耦合作用下对浮式基础运动及系泊系统受力的影响.首先,以INOWINDMOOR 12 MW和TaiDa 15 MW浮式基础为原型设计新的15 MW级浮式基础,并在ANSYS-AQWA建立水动力分析模型,风力荷载及海流荷载通过风力系数、流力系数添加;其次,针对风浪流等环境荷载单独及耦合作用下浮式基础运动和系泊受力等特征开展分析.结果表明:浮式基础运动及系泊受力主要受风力和流力的影响,波浪会加剧浮式基础运动及系泊受力的往复性,并加大运动幅度及系泊受力;流荷载对浮式基础运动及系泊受力影响较大,特别是风、浪与流耦合作用时会导致系泊受力明显增加,实际工程设计时,流荷载应给与重点关注.

Understanding the environmental load effects such as wind,wave and current is crucial for the design and optimization of floating foundations and mooring system.This paper takes a 15 MW floating foundation as the research object,the influence of environmental loads,such as wind,wave and current,on the motion of floating foundation and the force of mooring system is systematically and quantitatively analyzed.Firstly,a new 15 MW floating foundation is designed based on the INOWINDMOOR 12 MW and TaiDa 15 MW floating foundations,a hydrodynamic analysis model is established in ANSYS/AQWA,and the wind load of wind turbine and the flow load of ocean current are added through the wind and flow coefficients.Secondly,the analyses are conducted on the characteristics of floating foundations and mooring forces under the actions of independent and coupled environmental loads of wind,wave and current.The results show that the motion of floating foundation and the forces of mooring system are mainly affected by wind and current forces,and the wave will intensify the reciprocating of floating foundation motion and mooring force,and increase the amplitude of motion and mooring force;the current load has a significant impact on the movement of floating foundations and forces of mooring system,especially when it coupled with wind and wave,so in actual engineering design,current load should be given special attention.


水电水利规划设计总院,北京 100120||清华大学,北京 100084水电水利规划设计总院,北京 100120


15 MW级浮式基础风浪流环境荷载单独及耦合作用基础运动特性系泊受力

15 MW floating foundationenvironmental loads of wind,wave and currentindependent and coupled effectfoundation motion characteristicsmooring force

《水力发电》 2024 (007)

93-100 / 8
