

Development of a KAP Questionnaire on Traumatic Hypothermia for Pre-hospital Rescuers and Its Reliability and Validity Test


目的 基于"知信行"理论编制院前急救人员创伤性低体温知识、态度、行为问卷,并检测其信效度.方法 采用文献阅读法及专家函询法编制"院前急救人员创伤性低体温知信行问卷",选取重庆市承担院前急救任务的院前急救人员进行问卷调查,进行条目的筛选和问卷的信效度检验.结果 最终形成的"院前急救人员创伤性低体温知信行问卷"包括知识(13个条目)、态度(8个条目)及行为(11个条目)3个维度,共32个条目.2轮函询专家权威系数分别为0.831和0.892,专家判断依据系数分别为0.931和0.977,肯德尔和谐系数为0.190和0.199.问卷总体Cronbach's α系数为0.920,3个维度的Cron-bach's α系数分别为0.921、0.944及0.893;总问卷和3个维度的折半信度分别为0.717、0.878、0.905及0.764.问卷总体内容效度指数为0.989,各条目内容效度指数为0.846~1.000.探索性因子分析KMO值为0.892,公因子累积方差贡献率为65.906%.结论 基于文献分析及专家函询编制的"院前急救人员创伤性低体温知信行问卷"具有良好的信效度,可以作为评估院前急救人员对创伤性低体温知识、态度及行为的调查工具.

Objective To develop a questionnaire assessing the knowledge,attitude and practice regarding traumatic hypothermia for pre-hospital rescuers based on the KAP theory,and test its reliability and validity.Methods The"KAP Questionnaire on Traumatic Hypothermia for Pre-hospital Rescuers"was developed through literature analysis and expert consultation.A questionnaire survey was conducted among the selected pre-hospital rescuers in Chongqing to refine the items and test the reliability and validity of the questionnaire.Results The final"KAP Questionnaire on Traumatic Hypothermia for Pre-hospital Rescuers"consisted of three dimensions:knowledge(13 items),attitude(8 items)and practice(11 items),with a total of 32 items.For the 2 rounds of expert consultation,the authoritative coefficients were 0.831 and 0.892,the judgment coefficients were 0.931 and 0.977,and Kendall's coefficients of concordance were 0.190 and 0.199,respectively.For the entire questionnaire and its three dimensions,Cronbach's α coefficients were 0.920,0.921,0.944 and 0.893 and split-half reliability indexes were 0.717,0.878,0.905 and 0.764,respectively.For the entire questionnaire and its individual items,validity indexes were 0.989 and 0.846-1.000,respectively.The KMO value for the exploratory factor analysis was 0.892,and the cumulative variance contribution rate of the common factor was 65.906%.Conclusion The"KAP Questionnaire on Trau-matic Hypothermia for Pre-hospital Rescuers"developed through literature analysis and expert consultation demonstrates good reliability and validity.It is effective in assessing the knowledge,attitude and practice of pre-hospital rescuers regarding traumatic hypothermia


重庆医科大学附属第一医院,重庆 400016



Pre-hospital rescuerTraumatic hypothermiaHealth knowledge,attitude and practiceQuestionnaire formulationReliabilityValidity

《上海护理》 2024 (007)

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