

Qualitative Study on Clinical Practice Experience of Psychological Care Among Newly Recruited Nurses


目的 通过质性研究的方法探讨新入职护士心理护理临床实践体验,为构建新入职护士心理护理临床培训方案提供实证参考.方法 2022年9-12月,采用目的抽样法,选取来自上海市3所三级甲等医院的14名新入职护士进行半结构式深入访谈,采用主题分析法对访谈资料进行整理分析.结果 围绕新入职护士心理护理实践体验,提炼出3个主题:基于自身需求体会到心理护理的重要性、在患者照护过程中有意识地观察和实践心理护理、对于规范化培训阶段心理护理能力提升存在多方面的培训需求.结论 新入职护士能较好意识到临床心理护理的重要性,能够逐渐将心理护理理念融入临床实践,但其自助能力与助人能力均有待提升.护理管理者可结合临床情境案例等,针对新入职护士开展相关培训,促进其心理护理实践技能的临床转化与迁移.

Objective To explore the clinical practice experience of psychological care among newly recruited nurses through a qualitative study,aiming to provide an empirical reference for constructing a psychological care clinical training program for these nurses.Methods From September to December 2022,14 newly recruited nurses were selected from three Grade Ⅲ-A hospitals in Shanghai by purposive sampling to receive semi-structured interviews.The interview data were analyzed using the thematic analysis method.Results The following 3 themes were extracted regarding the psychological care experience of the nurses:1)recognition of the importance of psychological care based on their personal needs,2)active observation and provision of psychological care in the process of patient care,and 3)identification of numerous training needs to enhance psychological care skills in the standardized training stage.Conclusion Newly recruited nurses are increasingly recognizing the importance of clinical psychological care and gradually integrating these concepts into clinical practice.However,there remains a need to improve their abilities to support themselves and others.Nursing administrators may conduct targeted training for newly recruited nurses based on real clinical cases to enhance the application of their psychological care skills in clinical practice.


同济大学附属精神卫生中心,上海 200124||同济大学医学院,上海 200433同济大学附属第十人民医院,上海 200070同济大学附属肺科医院,上海 200092



Newly recruited nurseStandardized trainingPsychological careClinical practiceQualita-tive study

《上海护理》 2024 (007)

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