

Advances of forest fires pollutants release and influence



Forest fires are an important source of gaseous pollutants and particulate matter in the atmosphere,which have a significant impact on the global climate system,atmospheric environment and ecological system.They make an important contribution to the release of global greenhouse gases and carbon-containing particulate matter,and is an important factor driving global climate change.Forest fires have become one of the important pollution sources in the region and even the world.These pollutants are directly related to radiation,visibility and greenhouse effect.Accurately describing the release mechanism,total amount,spatial and temporal distribution characteristics,diffusion process simulation at different scales and impacts on regional atmospheric environment of gas and particulate pollutants released by forest fires is of great significance for quantifying the amount of pollutants released by forest fires and their regional impacts.Based on the domestic and foreign literature on the release of pollutants from forest fires,this paper summarizes the environmental impact of pollutants released from forest fires,research methods of quantification and transport path monitoring of pollutants released from forest fires,diffusion and transport models of pollutants,and inter-regional impacts.The CO,PM10 and PM2.5 released by forest fires pose a great threat to the environment and human life.In addition,the pollutants released by forest fires can transport over the long distance with the air flow,not only causing pollution to the local air,but also forming inter-regional pollution with pollutants transported along the long distance with the air mass and mixed with local aerosols.The diffusion and transport simulation of forest fire pollutants can be completed by coupling different models,including fuel load estimation model,fuel consumption and release model,pollutant diffusion and transport model,and pollutant prediction and visualization model.In the end,the article reviewed the main research methods of forest fire emission pollutants at home and abroad,and suggested future direction for research.At present,the pollutants released from forest fires are not enough to support the study on the release of greenhouse gases and pollutants from forest fires in our country.The model of pollutant release from forest fire and the system of pollutant diffusion and transmission have not been developed.Most of the forest fire emission factor databases cite foreign research results,which increases the uncertainty of the results in our country.Moreover,the quantitative study on the effect of forest fire on regional atmospheric environment is lacking in China.Therefore,the study on the release and effects of pollution from forest fires should be strengthened in the future,especially the prediction and visualization of pollution diffusion and transmission model and the measurement of emission factors.


中国林业科学研究院森林生态环境与自然保护研究所,国家林业和草原局森林保护学重点实验室,北京 100091北京林业大学生态与自然保护学院,北京 100083


forest fire pollutantsatmospheric environmentdiffusion modelinter-regional pollution

《生态学报》 2024 (012)

4933-4944 / 12


