

Progress of China's national park construction and development prospects


中国国家公园是指在具有显著自然生态价值、文化价值和科学研究价值的区域内,通过完善自然保护与利用体系,实现保护物种、维护生态系统完整性、保障基本生态需求、实现可持续利用等目的,逐步形成具有国际水平的大型自然保护地并发挥其积极作用的区域.中国国家公园建设是实践生态文明思想的有效途径,是中国自然保护地体系建设最重要的组成部分.自2015 年发布《建立国家公园体制试点方案》以来,中国政府陆续开展了 10 个国家公园体制试点,最终在 2021 年正式建立了5 个国家公园.收集了 2015 年以来国家公园相关政策资料,对中国国家公园建设现状进行深入分析.我们发现中国国家公园较好的实现了初始建设目标,但也有需要完善的地方.针对未来国家公园的建设,我们提出了以下建议:1)完善国家公园空间布局规划;2)以流域为单元进行规划整合;3)确定东部和西部国家公园最小面积;4)确定国家公园数量上限;5)建立跨境国家公园;6)将文化保护纳入国家公园;7)统一管理体制;8)统一国家公园内部管控区划;9)形成三类保护地差异化可持续发展模式.未来随着中国国家公园顶层设计的逐步完善,中国自然保护地体系体制建设将能提供更加全面、系统的生态保护和资源管理,推动生态文明建设的不断发展;实现生态保护、可持续利用和人与自然的和谐共生的目标.

The concept of China's national parks refers to the establishment of large-scale nature reserves with significant natural,cultural,and scientific values.These parks aim to protect species,maintain the integrity of ecosystems,ensure basic ecological needs,and achieve sustainable utilization through the improvement of the nature conservation and utilization system.They are gradually developed into internationally renowned nature reserves that play an active role in China.The construction of China's national parks is an effective approach to promoting the concept of ecological civilization.It is also a crucial component of China's system of nature reserves.Since the release of Pilot Program for Establishing a National Park System in 2015,the Chinese government has successively carried out pilot projects for the national park system.In 2021,five national parks were officially established.This article collects policy materials related to national parks since 2015 and provides an in-depth analysis of the current status of China's national park construction.We found that China's national park construction has generally achieved its objectives.However,there were areas that require further improvement.Regarding the construction of future national parks,we propose the following suggestions:1)Improve the spatial layout planning of the national parks;2)Plan and integrate on a watershed basis;3)Determine the minimum area for eastern and western national parks;4)Determine the upper limit of the number of national parks;5)Establish cross-border national parks;6)Include cultural protection in national parks;7)Establish a unified management system;8)Establish a unified internal control zoning system for national parks;9)Form a differentiated sustainable development model for three types of protected areas.As the top-level design of China's national parks continues to improve,the construction of a national park-centered system of nature reserves will provide a more comprehensive and systematic approach to ecological protection and resource management.It will further advance the development of ecological civilization,aiming to achieve the ecological conservation,sustainable utilization,and a harmonious coexistence between human and nature.


大理大学东喜玛拉雅研究院,大理 671003||滇西北文化生态保护研究中心,大理 671003||中国三江并流区域生物多样性协同创新中心,大理 671003||大理大学三江并流区域生物多样性保护与利用云南省创新团队,大理 671003大理大学东喜玛拉雅研究院,大理 671003||滇西北文化生态保护研究中心,大理 671003||中国三江并流区域生物多样性协同创新中心,大理 671003||大理大学三江并流区域生物多样性保护与利用云南省创新团队,大理 671003||国际生物多样性与灵长类保护中心,大理 671003||云南省高校洱海流域保护与可持续发展研究重点实验室,大理 671003


national parknatural protected area systemtop-level designwatershed unitdifferentiated development model

《生态学报》 2024 (012)

4964-4972 / 9


