

A Study on the Forecasting Model and Spatiotemporal Changes of Colorful Forest During the Ornamental Period in Heishui County


利用黑水县2008-2020年彩林物候期观测和同步气象资料,筛选影响彩林变色日序的关键气象因子,通过多元回归等数理方法建立月尺度的彩林观赏期短期气候预测模型和未来10 d的彩林观赏期中期气象预报模型并进行检验,依托GIS平台及多年平均气象数据模拟黑水县彩林变色日序时空分布.结果表明:黑水县彩林平均于9月28日、10月16日分别进入始红、盛红状态;彩林始红日序与7月的月平均气温、月平均最高气温显著正相关,与7月累计降水量显著负相关;彩林盛红日序与7月累计降水量显著负相关,与8月平均最低气温显著正相关;彩林进入始红及盛红状态日序与前10 d各气象要素均不显著相关;彩林观赏指数与前10 d平均气温、平均最高气温、平均最低气温、平均相对湿度、累计降水量呈显著负相关,与平均气温日较差、累计日照时数呈显著正相关;彩林观赏期日序整体随海拔高度由东南向西北倾斜攀升而提前,在10月10日前全县彩林均进入始红状态.本研究通过相关气象因子建立黑水县彩林短期气候预测模型及中期气象预报模型,检验认为彩林观赏期短期气候预测模型在彩林始红及盛红状态预测中具有较高准确性和可操作性,中期气象预报模型仅适用于彩林始红状态的预测.

By analyzing the phenological observation data and synchronous meteorological data from 2008 to 2020 in Heishui County,the key meteorological factors that influence the sequence of color changes in the forest were identified.The short-term climate prediction model for the ornamental period of a colorful forest on a monthly scale,as well as the medium-term weather prediction model for the ornamental period of a colorful forest in the next 10 days,were established and tested using mathematical methods such as multiple regression.Based on the GIS platform and multi-year average meteorological data,we simulated the spatial-temporal distribution of the change dates of the colorful forest scenic area in Heshui County.Results showed:The average dates for the begin-ning and peak red color of the scenic forest area in Heshui County were September 28 and October 16,respect-ively.The start date of the colorful forest scenic area was found to have a significant positive correlation with the average temperature and monthly average maximum temperature in July.Conversely,it had a significant negative correlation with the accumulated precipitation in July.Additionally,the peak date of the colorful forest showed a significant negative correlation with the accumulated precipitation in July and a significant positive correlation with the monthly average minimum temperature in August.There was no significant correlation between the met-eorological elements in the first 10 days and the timing of the beginning and peak of the colorful forest scenic area.The ornamental index of the colorful forest showed a significant negative correlation with the average tem-perature,average maximum temperature,average minimum temperature,average relative humidity,and cumulat-ive precipitation during the first 10 days.Conversely,it exhibited a significant positive correlation with the aver-age temperature difference and cumulative sunshine duration.The order of the viewing period for the colorful forest in Heishui County advances as the altitude increases from southeast to northwest.The entire county's color-ful forest turns red before October 10th.The short-term climate prediction model and medium-term weather pre-diction model for the colorful forest in Heishui County were established based on relevant meteorological factors.The tests demonstrated that the short-term climate prediction model accurately predicts the start and peak of the red dates during the ornamental period of the colorful forest,and it is also highly practical.However,the medium-term prediction model is only suitable for predicting the primrose state of the colorful forest.


南方丘区节水研究四川省重点实验室,四川成都 610066||四川省农业气象中心,四川成都6100723四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州黑水县气象局,四川阿坝 623500南方丘区节水研究四川省重点实验室,四川成都 610066||四川省农业气象中心,四川成都6100723||北京师范大学,北京 100089



Heishui Countycolorful forestornamental periodtemperaturetemporal and spatial changeprediction model

《西南林业大学学报》 2024 (005)

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