

The standardized and sustainable operation of primary health emergency work in Lianyungang City


目的 掌握连云港市基层卫生应急工作规范化建设达标后持续运行状况,为推进卫生应急工作制定措施.方法 设计自填式问卷对82家乡镇(街道)开展调查并进行描述性分析.结果 通过调查发现,连云港市基层卫生应急组织和指挥体系运行良好,组建应急队伍并开展演练,储备应急物资,聚集性疫情等处置规范,部分乡镇(街道)没有建立长效卫生应急工作规范化管理运行制度,同时地方财政投入不足.结论 建议抓好基层卫生应急组织领导和制度建设,加大财政投入,推进应急工作规范化运行.

Objective To explore the continuous-running status of primary health emergency work in Li-anyungang City after the achievement of construction standards to formulate measures to promote emergency re-sponse in health emergency work.Methods A self-filled questionnaire was designed to survey 82 townships(neighborhoods),and a descriptive analysis was conducted.Results The emergency organization and command system for primary health emergency work in Lianyungang City was running well:health emergency teams were formed,emergency training was conducted,emergency supplies were reserved,and disease clusters were handled in a standardized way.However,some townships(neighborhoods)had not established a long-term mechanism for standardized management of health emergency work;meanwhile the financial investment of local governments for health emergency work was insufficient.Conclusions It is vital that we focus on the construction of primary health emergency leadership and system building and increase financial investment to promote the standardized op-eration of health emergency work.


连云港市疾病预防控制中心,江苏连云港 222007连云港市卫生健康委员会,江苏连云港 222007



Township(neighborhood)Health emergencyOperationSurvey

《中国农村卫生事业管理》 2024 (006)

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