

Status quo and improvement path of grassroots health talents team construction under the background of county medical community


目的 了解目前县域医共体背景下基层卫生医疗机构人才队伍建设中存在的问题,分析原因、提出对策.方法 采取集中调研和实地访谈收集绍兴市柯桥区医共体内基层卫生医疗机构卫生人员相关信息,通过问卷调查基层卫生医疗机构卫生人员存在的相关问题,并对结果进行统计分析.结果 2018-2022年绍兴市柯桥区医共体基层卫生医疗机构卫生人员总数逐年稳步提升,年均增幅为1.50%,人员学历以本科为主,副高及以上职称人数占比呈现逐年提高,从2018年的7.10%上升至2022年的12.12%.问卷结果显示影响基层卫生医疗机构卫生人员的工作压力主要来自职务职称晋升困难(占43.94%)和薪酬待遇不高(占39.01%).结论 应改善基层卫生医疗机构就医环境,提高基层卫生医疗机构人员业务水平,创新基层卫生人才激励机制,提升基层卫生人员执业荣誉感,促进基层医疗卫生人才队伍健康发展.

Objective To know about the problems existing in the talent team construction of primary health care institutions under the background of county medical community,to analyze the causes and to put for-ward countermeasures.Methods The relevant information of health personnel in primary health care institutions in Keqiao District of Shaoxing City was collected by centralized investigation and on-the-spot interviews.The relat-ed problems of health personnel in primary health care institutions were analysed using a questionnaire,and the re-sults were statistically analyzed.Results From 2018 to 2022,the total number of health personnel in primary healthcare institutions of the medical community in Keqiao District of Shaoxing City increased steadily yearly,with an average annual growth rate of 1.50%.Most of the personnel had bachelor's degrees,and the proportion of the personnel with professional titles of associate professor and above increased year by year,from 7.10%in 2018 to 12.12%in 2022.The questionnaire survey results showed that the work pressure affecting the health personnel in primary health care institutions was mainly caused by the difficulty in promotion(43.94%)and low salary(39.01%).Conclusions It is necessary to improve the medical environment of primary healthcare institutions,increase the professional skills of health personnel,innovate the incentive mechanism for primary healthcare per-sonnel,enhance their sense of professional honor and promote the healthy development of the primary healthcare personnel team.


绍兴第二医院医共体总院,浙江绍兴 312000绍兴市柯桥区卫生健康局,浙江绍兴 312000



Medical communityPrimary health care institutionTalent team building

《中国农村卫生事业管理》 2024 (006)

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