

Classification and Evaluation of New Wheat Lines Based on GT Biplot


为了从产量、品质方面准确评价旱肥地试验小麦新品系,以2020-2021年连续2年参加国家黄淮冬麦区旱地组多点比较试验的26份新品系为材料,应用多元统计方法分析了大田条件下2年间产量和品质性状的变化.结果表明:26份品系的产量和品质性状2年变异系数分别为2.0%~74.2%和2.1%~95.1%,变异较大,变异系数大小顺序依次为稳定时间>湿面筋含量>蛋白质含量>吸水率=单位面积产量>容重;相关分析表明,2年产量与品质性状存在负相关关系,稳定时间均与蛋白质含量、吸水量正相关,稳定时间与产量负相关,其中稳定时间与蛋白质含量相关系数均较高.在相关分析的基础上,采用聚类分析方法将2年中26份小麦参试品系聚为4类,并在主成分品种、性状(genotype by trait,GT)双标图(biplot)和聚类图中进行展示,聚类结果与新品系的实际表现一致,其中'泰科麦4835''洛旱35''农大162''山农611436'连续2年划为同一类型,表现为产量较高、品质优良.该研究结果可为参试新品系的合理评价和推广应用提供理论依据.

In order to comprehensively and accurately evaluate the new wheat lines in drought-rich land experiment,26 wheat lines participating in the National Dryland Group multi-point comparative experiment from 2020 to 2021 were selected as the materials.Multivariate statistical methods were used to analyze the changes of yield and quality traits under field conditions during the 2 years.The results showed that the 2-year variation coefficients of yield and quality traits of 26 new lines were 2.0%~74.2%and 2.1%~95.1%,respectively.The variation coefficients from high to low were stable time>wet gluten content>protein content>water absorption=yield per unit area>bulk density;correlation analysis showed that there was a negative correlation between yield and quality traits in 2 years.The stable time was positively correlated with protein content and water absorption,but negatively with yield.The correlation coefficient between stable time and protein content was higher in 2 years.Based on the correlation analysis,26 new wheat lines in 2 years were grouped into 4 categories by cluster method.The results of clustering were shown in Genotype by trait(GT)biplot and cluster plot,respectively.The clustering results were consistent with the actual performance of the new lines.'Taikemai 4835''Luohan 35''Nongda 162'and'Shannong 611436'were divided into the same type for consecutive 2 years,and these lines were characterized by high yield and good quality.Above results provided theoretical basis for the rational evaluation and popularization of the new wheat lines.


泰安市农业科学院,山东 泰安 27100山东农业大学农学院,山东 泰安 271018潍坊学院,山东 潍坊 261061



new wheat linesprincipal component analysisgenotype by trait biplotcluster analysisyieldquality character

《中国农业科技导报》 2024 (007)

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