

Effects of Different Rooting Reagents on Rooting of Miniature Potted Rose Cuttings


微型盆栽月季具有重要的观赏价值.目前在国内栽培生产中,微型盆栽月季种苗工厂化生产程度低、质量良莠不齐,严重影响了其成品花的商品价值.研究微型盆栽月季的扦插繁育技术以提高微型盆栽月季种苗的质量在微型盆栽月季栽培生产中具有重要的实践意义.为分析不同生根试剂对4个微型盆栽月季品种扦插生根的影响,设置不同水平的中蔬根保 201、吲哚-3-丁酸(indole-3-butyric acid,IBA)、萘乙酸(1-naphthlcetic acid,NAA)、2,4-二氯苯氧乙酸(2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid,2,4-D)溶液以及部分试剂组合为生根试剂处理,并以清水(CK1)和公司常用试剂处理(CK2,由紫玉花卉产业有限公司提供的生根粉剂)为对照,利用主成分分析法对各品种扦插苗根系性状指标进行综合评价,以筛选扦插繁殖的最佳生根试剂.结果表明,在单一生根试剂处理中,CK2处理在所有品种均表现较优,能有效促进根系生长;另外,IBA和中蔬根保201溶液对扦插苗根系的生长发育也具有很好的促进作用,且它们的组合处理对所有供试品种的扦插苗根系生长发育也均有很好的促进效果,优于CK2.其中,0.67 mL·L-1的中蔬根保201 溶液与1 500 mg·L-1的IBA溶液的混合液处理所有品种扦插苗的根系生长情况都非常优异.

Miniature potted rose has great ornamental value.At present,the industrialized production of miniature potted rose seedlings is low and the quality is uneven in the domestic cultivation and production,which seriously affects the commercial value of subsequent rose flowers.It is of great significance to study the cutting propagation technology of miniature potted roses to improve the quality of seedlings.To study the effects of different rooting reagent treatment on the growth and development of cutting seedling from 4 miniature potted rose varieties,different levels of Zhongshugenbao 201,indole-3-butyric acid(IBA),1-naphthlcetic acid(NAA),2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid(2,4-D)solution and combinations of reagents were set as treatments,and the water(CK1)and the company's usual reagent(CK2,the rooting powder provided by Ziyu Flower Industry Co.,Ltd.)were used as controls.The root traits of cutting seedlings from 4 varieties were analyzed using principal component analysis,and the optimal rooting reagents treatment for cuttings was selected.The results showed that CK2 treatment had the best effect on promoting the growth and development of cutting seedling roots,and IBA and Zhongshugenbao 201 were followed.It was worth mentioning that most of the combination treatments of Zhongshugenbao 201 and IBA solution had good effects on the growth and development of cutting roots of 4 varieties,which were better than CK2,especially the combination of the 0.67 mL·L-1 Zhongshugenbao 201 and 1 500 mg·L-1 IBA,the root growth of cuttings in all tested varieties was excellent under this combination treatment.


中国农业科学院蔬菜花卉研究所,北京 100081||天津农学院园艺园林学院,天津 300384中国农业科学院蔬菜花卉研究所,北京 100081天津农学院园艺园林学院,天津 300384



miniature potted rosecutting propagationrooting reagentgrowth and development of roots

《中国农业科技导报》 2024 (007)

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