

Effect of Stumping on Leaf Functional Traits of Caragana korshinskii in Ecologically Fragile Area of Otog Banner


为探明平茬对鄂托克旗生态脆弱区柠条叶功能性状的影响,筛选促进柠条恢复生长的最优平茬高度,以内蒙古鄂尔多斯鄂托克旗生态脆弱区的柠条林为研究对象,对柠条进行距地表0(H1)、10(H2)、15(H3)、20 cm(H4)高度平茬处理,以未平茬植株为对照(CK),分析柠条叶功能性状对平茬的响应.结果表明,平茬对叶碳(C)含量无显著影响,对比叶面积(specific leaf area,SLA)、叶组织密度(leaf tissue density,LTD)、叶干物质含量(leaf dry matter content,LDMC)、叶氮(N)含量、C/N、净光合速率(net photosynthetic rate,Pn)、蒸腾速率(transpiration rate,Tr)、气孔导度(stomatal conductance,Gs)均有显著影响,H3的SLA、LTD、LDMC、N、C/N均较CK显著增加.与CK相比,平茬后SLA、N、Pn、Tr、Gs的增幅分别为7.87%~19.46%、3.81%~18.75%、17.71%~40.86%、14.85%~35.30%、13.93%~27.68%;LTD、LDMC、C/N的降幅分别为0.18%~1.20%、1.51%~4.84%、5.31%~16.82%.不同平茬高度处理的Pn、Tr均表现为"双峰"变化趋势,Gs表现为"单峰"变化趋势.SLA、N、Pn、Tr、Gs之间呈显著正相关,且分别与LTD、LDMC、C/N呈显著负相关.平茬后柠条向"快速投资-收益型"的资源权衡策略移动.不同平茬高度处理的叶功能性状基本表现为H3>H2>H1>H4>CK,即15 cm平茬高度处理最优,表明鄂托克旗生态脆弱区柠条应采取15 cm平茬高度处理以提高其生长速率.

In order to investigate the effects of stumping on leaf functional traits of Caragana korshinskii in the ecologically fragile area of Otog Banner,and screen the optimal height of stumping to promote the growth of Caragana korshinskii,the forest of Caragana korshinskii in the ecologically fragile area of Otog Banner,Ordos,Inner Mongolia,was as materials.The effects of stumping on leaf functional traits of Caragana korshinskii were analyzed by using the unstumping plants as control(CK)and the height of stumping at 0(H1),10(H2),15(H3)and 20 cm(H4).The results showed that the stump had no significant effect on carbon(C)content,and had significant effect on leaf area(SLA),leaf tissue density(LTD),leaf dry matter content(LDMC),leaf nitrogen(N)content,C/N,net photosynthetic rate(Pn),transpiration rate(Tr)and stomatal conductance(Gs).The SLA,LTD,LDMC,N and C/N of H3 were significantly different from those of CK.Compared with CK,the increase of SLA,N,Pn,Tr and Gs after stumping were 7.87%~19.46%,3.81%~18.75%,17.71%~40.86%,14.85%~35.30%and 13.93%~27.68%,respectively.The decrease of LTD,LDMC and C/N were 0.18%~1.20%,1.51%~4.84%and 5.31%~16.82%,respectively.The Pn and Tr showed"double peak"trend and Gs showed a"single peak"trend.The SLA,N,Pn,Tr and Gs were positively correlated with each other,and negatively correlated with LTD,LDMC and C/N,respectively.After stumping,Caragana korshinskii showed the"fast investment-return type"resource tradeoff strategy.The leaf functional traits of different stumping height treatments were showed H3>H2>H1>H4>CK,and the best treatment was H3,which indicated that 15 cm stump height should be adopted for improving the growth rate of Caragana korshinskii in Otog Otog Banner.


河套学院,内蒙古 巴彦淖尔 015000内蒙古自治区水利事业发展中心,呼和浩特 010020内蒙古农业大学沙漠治理学院,呼和浩特 010018呼和浩特市水资源与河湖保护中心,呼和浩特 010000



stumpingleaf functional traitsCaragana korshinskiiecologically fragile area

《中国农业科技导报》 2024 (007)

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