

The main types of magmatism gold deposits and their mineralization in Gansu Province


甘肃作为黄金资源大省之一,金矿类型多样,成矿作用复杂,其中岩浆作用成矿是金矿床的主要成矿机制之一,构造-岩浆-成矿的找矿研究思路更适用于岩浆作用金矿床.甘肃岩浆岩省可划分为 10 个构造岩浆岩带,分布范围广、规模大的主要有北山构造岩浆岩带、秦岭-大别构造岩浆岩带、塔里木构造岩浆岩带、祁连山构造岩浆岩带、阿尔金构造岩浆岩带、北秦岭构造岩浆岩带等,这些区域也是金矿床分布较集中区域,主要岩浆作用金矿床类型有岩浆型矿床、接触交代型矿床、斑岩型矿床、岩浆热液型矿床和火山岩型矿床五大类.结合甘肃省构造岩浆岩带划分及其主要特征和金矿床分布,重点分析研究了北山构造岩浆岩带和秦岭-大别构造岩浆岩带的岩浆作用金矿床与岩浆岩的时空分布特征、主要类型金矿床的成矿物质来源和物理化学条件,总结了控矿因素,提出有利于金矿找矿的主要岩浆岩类型、空间范围和技术方法.

As one of the provinces with large gold resources,Gansu Province has various types of gold ore mineralization and complex metallage,among which magmatic metallogenic is one of the main metallogenic mechanisms of gold deposits,and the prospecting research idea of tectonic-magmatism-metallogenic is more suitable for magmatic gold deposits.The magmatic rock province of Gansu Province can be divided into 10 tectonic magmatic rock belts,which are mainly Beishan tectonic magmatic belt,Qinling-Dabie tectonic magmatic belt,Tarim tectonic magmatic belt,Qilian Mountain tectonic magmatic belt,Altyn tectonic magmatic belt,North Qinling tectonic magmatic belt,etc.,these areas are also relatively concentrated areas of gold deposits,and the main types of magmatic gold deposits are magmatic deposits,contact metasomatic deposits,porphyry deposits,magmatic hydrothermal deposits and volcanic rock deposits.Combined with the division of tectonic magmatic rock belts and their main characteristics and the distribution of gold deposits in Gansu Province,this paper focuses on the analysis and study of the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of magmatic gold deposits and magmatic rocks,the mineral-forming sources and physicochemical conditions of the main types of gold deposits in the Beishan tectonic magmatic belt and the Qinling-Dabie tectonic magmatic belt,summarizes the ore control factors,and proposes the main magmatic rock types,spatial ranges and technical methods that are conducive to gold prospecting.


甘肃省金矿资源勘查利用技术创新中心,甘肃省地矿局第三地质矿产勘查院,甘肃兰州 730050甘肃省地质调查院,甘肃兰州 730000兰州文理学院,甘肃兰州 730000



magmatizationmineralization typesmineralizationmineral exploration engineeringgold depositsGansu Province

《地质通报》 2024 (006)

869-884 / 16


