

Establishment of an indirect ELISA technique based on a glycoprotein of Dhori virus


本研究利用原核表达系统表达Dhori病毒(DHOV)糖蛋白(GP),以此为抗原建立间接ELISA检测方法.根据DHOV-GRT169毒株GP基因设计引物并扩增得到去除跨膜区与信号肽的基因片段,构建了重组表达质粒pET-32a-GP,测序验证正确后转入大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)感受态细胞中经IPTG诱导表达.采用镍柱亲和层析法纯化重组GP蛋白.以DHOV阳性山羊血清为一抗,经Western-blot检测纯化蛋白后,以纯化的pET-32a-GP为包被抗原,通过方阵滴定法优化反应条件,建立检测DHOV血清抗体的间接ELISA检测方法,评价其重复性、敏感性和特异性.采用建立的间接ELISA检测方法检测新疆部分地区采集的不同动物血清样本中DHOV抗体.结果显示,pET-32a-GP原核表达质粒构建正确,GP蛋白大小约为66.8 ku,反应原性良好;ELISA条件优化确定的最佳包被浓度为4μg/mL、一抗稀释度为1∶1 000、一抗孵育时间为30 min、二抗稀释度为1∶3 000、二抗孵育时间为30 min、TMB显色时间为4 min;重复性试验结果表明,批内与批间变异系数(CV)均<10%;敏感性试验表明,当阳性血清稀释度为1∶1 400时具有良好的敏感性;特异性试验表明,建立的间接ELISA检测方法检测GTV、CCHFV和TAMV时呈阴性反应;随机选取343份采于新疆不同地区的动物血清进行ELISA检测,检出48份血清结果呈阳性,阳性检出率为13.99%.该检测方法的建立为DHOV的流行病学分析提供了基础,为进一步研究DHOV GP蛋白的生物学功能、检测试剂盒的开发以及疫苗的研制提供了理论依据.

In this study,a prokaryotic expression system was utilized to express the glycoprotein(GP)of Dhori virus(DHOV),which was then used as an antigen to establish an indirect ELISA detection method.According to the GP gene of DHOV-GRT169 strain,primers were designed and amplified to obtain gene fragments that removed transmembrane region and signal peptide.The resulting gene fragments were then used to construct the recombinant expression plasmid pET-32a-GP,which was confirmed through se-quencing and transferred into Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)receptor cells for IPTG-induced expression.The recombinant GP protein was purified using nickel column affinity chromatography.Using DHOV-posi-tive goat serum as the primary antibody,the purified protein was detected by Western-blot,and the pu-rified pET-32a-GP was used as the coating antigen.The reaction conditions were optimized by square ma-trix titration,and an indirect ELISA method for detecting DHOV serum antibody was established to eval-uate its repeatability,sensitivity and specificity.The established indirect ELISA method was used to detect DHOV antibody in different animal serum samples collected from various areas in Xinjiang.The results showed successful construction of the prokaryotic expression plasmid pET-32a-GP,with a GP protein size of approximately 66.8 ku and good reactivity.The optimal conditions for ELISA were deter-mined to be a coating concentration of 4 μ g/mL,a primary antibody dilution of 1∶1 000,a 30-minute in-cubation time for the primary antibody,a secondary antibody dilution of 1∶3 000,a 30-minute incuba-tion time for the secondary antibody,and a 4-minute color development time for TMB.Repeated testing showed a coefficient of variation(CV)intra-and inter-assay of less than 10%.Sensitivity testing re-vealed good sensitivity at a positive serum dilution of 1∶1 400.The established indirect ELISA method was negative for detecting GTV,CCHFV and TAMV.A total of 343 animal sera from different regions in Xin-jiang were randomly selected for ELISA detection,with 48 DHOV-positive sera detected,resulting in a positive detection rate of 13.99%.The establishment of this method provides a basis for epidemiologi-cal analysis of DHOV and serves as a theoretical foundation for further research on the biological function of DHOV GP protein,development of detection kits,and creation of vaccines.


新疆大学生命科学与技术学院新疆生物资源基因工程重点实验室,乌鲁木齐 830046



Dhori virusglycoproteinprokaryotic expressionindirect ELISA

《中国兽医科学》 2024 (007)

888-895 / 8


