

Clinical Comprehensive Evaluation of Four Kinds of Interleukin Biological Agents in the Treatment of Psoriasis


目的:对乌司奴单抗、依奇珠单抗、司库奇尤单抗和古塞奇尤单抗 4 种白细胞介素类生物制剂进行临床综合评价,为医疗机构药品遴选与临床合理用药提供科学依据.方法:根据河北省卫生健康委员会发布的《河北省三级公立医疗机构用药(化学药品)目录遴选评价表》,从有效性、药学特性、安全性、经济性和其他属性 5 个方面对上述 4 种白细胞介素类生物制剂进行综合评价.结果:乌司奴单抗、依奇珠单抗、司库奇尤单抗和古塞奇尤单抗的评分分别为 79.3、77.8、68.3 和 76.3 分.古塞奇尤单抗可实现皮损全清,且药物留存率高;乌司奴单抗为"双靶向"白细胞介素-12 和白细胞介素-23 抑制剂,除用于银屑病外,还可用于中重度活动性克罗恩病;依奇珠单抗为非全人源生物制剂,其不良反应发生率在 4 种生物制剂中最高,但价格相对低廉;司库奇尤单抗和乌司奴单抗是获批用于儿童及青少年银屑病的白细胞介素类生物制剂.结论:对于追求完全清除且希望长期保持较佳疗效的患者,可考虑古塞奇尤单抗;对于有炎症性肠病病史或家族史的患者,可考虑使用乌司奴单抗;对于儿童银屑病,可考虑使用司库奇尤单抗和乌司奴单抗;对于希望能快速起效且支付能力有限的患者,可以选择依奇珠单抗,但易发生过敏和有发生结缔组织病高风险的患者应尽量避免使用.依奇珠单抗和司库奇尤单抗可能会导致或加重炎症性肠病,临床使用中应格外注意.

OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the four kinds of interleukin biological agents of ustekinumab,ixekizumab,secukinumab and guselkumab,so as to provide scientific basis for drug selection and clinical rational drug use in medical institutions.METHODS:According to the Selection and Evaluation Form of Drug Use(Chemical Drugs)List in the Tertiary Public Medical Institutions in Hebei Province published by Hebei Provincial Health Commission,four kinds of interleukin biological agents were comprehensively evaluated from effectiveness,pharmaceutical characteristics,safety,economy and other properties.RESULTS:The total scores of ustekinumab,ixekizumab,secukinumab and guselkumab were 79.3,77.8,68.3 and 76.3 points respectively.Guselkumab could achieve complete clearing of skin lesions,and the drug retention rate was high.Ustekinumab was the"dual-targeted"interleukin-12 and interleukin-23 inhibitor for moderately to severely active Crohn's disease in addition to psoriasis.Ixekizumab was a non-whole-human biological preparation,with the highest incidence of adverse reactions among the four types of biological preparations,yet was relatively inexpensive.Sekucizumab and ustekinumab were approved for psoriasis in children and adolescents.CONCLUSIONS:Guselkumab may be considered for patients seeking complete clearance and wishing to maintain better outcomes over time.Ustekinumab may be considered for patients with a history of inflammatory bowel disease or a family history of inflammatory bowel disease.Secukinumab and ustekinumab may be considered for pediatric psoriasis.Ixekizumab may be an option for patients wishing to achieve a rapid onset of action and who have limited ability to pay,yet patients who are susceptible to allergies and at high risk for connective tissue disease should be avoided.Ixekizumab and secukinumab may cause or aggravate inflammatory bowel disease and should be used with caution in clinic.


河北省人民医院药学部,石家庄 050057河北省中医院药学部,石家庄 050011



UstekinumabIxekizumabSecukinumabGuselkumabPsoriasisDrug evaluation

《中国医院用药评价与分析》 2024 (006)

731-734,742 / 5


