

Date Communication over Mobile Voice Channel Based on Pitch Delay Steganography


针对移动通信中端到端信息传输的安全问题,文中提出了一种适用于移动语音信道的基于基音延迟隐写的信息传输方法,该方法将目标数据隐藏在语音信号中.算法使用秘密信息控制语音中浊音部分的基音延迟值奇偶特性,以此嵌入数据比特.通过秘密信息对清音部分的基音延迟值进行量化输出,实现隐写信息的嵌入.嵌入引起基音延迟变化并不会造成原始语音音质的严重退化,因此在传输语音信号时,外界难以检测出隐藏的数据信息.该算法可以保证端到端信息传输的安全性和私密性.仿真结果表明,秘密信息的传输速率达200 bit·s-1,准确率约为94%.

In view of the security problem of end-to-end data transmission in mobile communication,this study proposes a message transmission method based on pitch delay steganography used for mobile voice channel,which hides the intended data in the voice signal.The algorithm uses secret information to control the parity charac-teristics of pitch delay value in the voiced part of speech,so as to embed data bits.The pitch delay value of the voiceless part is quantified and output by secret information to realize the embedding of steganographic information.The pitch delay change caused by embedding does not cause serious degradation of the original speech quality,so it is difficult for the outside world to detect hidden data information when transmitting speech signals.This algorithm can ensure the security and privacy of end-to-end information transmission.The simulation results show that the transmission rate of secret information can reach 200 bit·s-1 and the accuracy rate is about 94%.


北京邮电大学 信息与通信工程学院,北京 100876



mobile voice channeldata transmissionpitch delaysteganographyvoiced and voicelessend-to-endsecurityprivacy

《电子科技》 2024 (007)

66-71 / 6

北京市自然科学基金(L192002);国家重点研发计划(2020YF-B1808000)Beijing Natural Science Foundation Project(L192002);National Key R&D Program of China(2020YF-B1808000)

