

Daul-optical path observation system for tracking free-moving C.elegans


为了解决自由运动秀丽隐杆线虫观测系统存在的视场单一、运动数据受环境影响等问题,设计了自由运动线虫双光路观测系统.该系统融合了显微成像模块和大视场成像模块,能够同时获取线虫的显微图像和培养皿图像,并通过切换荧光模块满足线虫荧光图像的获取需求.系统将显微成像模块直接装载在XYZ三轴位移平台上,可以有效避免线虫受震动影响引发的逃逸反应.最后,使用系统对USAF1951分辨率板和不同品系的线虫进行成像.实验结果显示,显微成像模块的分辨率小于2.19 μm,实现了对线虫的细胞级成像,系统获取的明场显微图像清晰显示了线虫的器官组织分布和细胞轮廓,荧光图像能够清晰显示不同荧光蛋白的分布情况.大视场成像模块照度均匀、成像清晰,通过形态学算法处理图像可以采集线虫种群行为运动数据.综上所述,该系统满足不同线虫观测需求,具备较好的稳定性和数据准确性,显著提高了线虫实验的灵活性,并为不同尺度下线虫观测信息整合提供了基础.

To overcome challenges related to a limited field of view and susceptibility to environmental fac-tors impacting data accuracy,we have developed a free-moving Caenorhabditis elegans(C.elegans)dual-optical observation system.This system integrates both a microscopy imaging module and a large-field-of-view imaging module,allowing for the simultaneous capture of C.elegans microscope images and Petri dish images.By incorporating a switchable fluorescence module,the system meets the requirements for capturing C.elegans fluorescence images.Additionally,the system includes an XYZ three-axis platform to prevent vibration-triggered escape responses from C.elegans.We utilized this system to conduct imaging experiments on USAF1951 resolution plates and various C.elegans strains.The experimental results dem-onstrated exceptional microscopy imaging resolution of less than 2.19 mm,vividly displaying C.elegans'organs,tissues,and cell boundaries in bright-field microscopy images,along with clear imaging of various fluorescent protein distributions.The large-field-of-view module,featuring uniform illumination and a mor-phological algorithm,enables the collection of behavior and motion data from the C.elegans population.In summary,this system fulfills various C.elegans tracking requirements,exhibits significant stability and da-ta accuracy,enhances the flexibility of C.elegans experiments,and lays a foundation for integrating C.ele-gans tracking data across different scales.


长春理工大学 光电工程学院,吉林 长春 130022长春熠生科技有限公司,吉林 长春 130022中国科学院 长春应用化学研究所,吉林 长春 130022



microscopy imagingdaul-optical path imagingC.elegansC.elegans observing system

《光学精密工程》 2024 (011)

1676-1685 / 10


